If You Had To Choose Just One Way To Attract New Web Based Clients In 2006

What would that way be? Ask 10 different "lawyer marketing experts" and you will probably get 10 different answers. They may not all agree on which way is best, but you can bet an elephant not one would dispute the fact that if you want to get noticed in 2006 you better deliver great information in the form of a content rich web presence. Great information? Content rich? Web presence? Where is this leading and how does it all work? You say you already have a website that tells your "non existent traffic" how great you are, what law school you attended and how many cases you have won. Frankly your prospective client, even if they happened to stumble on to your site, could care less. It's not about you anymore. It's about "great information" that the client is looking for that matters. It's about having a website that attracts clients like a magnet because it is "content rich". It's about a "web presence" that doesn't shout, "look at me too". It's about a website that delivers on the promise to provide useful and informative content tightly focused on your particular area of practice. So now that you know what the client is looking for, what is the hands down best way to deliver the goods? It's probably not what you think. Are you ready? WRITE ARTICLES IN YOUR AREA OF EXPERTISE. Then distribute the articles to hundreds of other law related websites and legal blogs that will include your "resource box" or by-line with a link back to your firm's website. That's the key to better page ranking. That's the key to massive amounts of highly targeted traffic. That's how you attract more clients interested in your services. Not just one article either, but commit to an article per month for the next twelve months, and watch your practice grow. Wait just a darn minute. You say you don't have time to write 1 article a month? Well you better find time or hire someone with your expertise and knowledge to do it for you. Yep it's that important. You say you don't have time to seek out dozens of legal sites and blogs that will pick up your articles and publish them for all of their readers to see? That was a legitimate stumbling block in the past, but no longer. There are now dozens of article submission sites populating the Internet these days that make it easy and inexpensive to get your material in front of thousands of eyeballs. After all, aren't you reading this right now? So how hard can it be?