Link Popularity and the Myth of the Guestbook Link
You have probably been to a site that had a section called a
"Guestbook". Many sites ask you to "sign their guestbook", and
many of these guestbooks also permit HTML code in the guestbook
comments, meaning you or I or anyone can visit guestbooks on web
sites all day long and systematically create links back to our
sites from hundreds of other site's guestbooks.
Naturally, some web marketers (probably the ones that think exit
pop-ups are useful) think that by signing guestbooks and adding
links by the hundreds they will improve their link popularity
scores at search engines. Before you get excited and do a Google
search on the phrase "sign our guestbook" (1.9 million BTW) and
head off like a link monkey, here's my take on the whether
guestbook links are valid, ignored, or penalized, and if they
have any impact on the success of a web site's link popularity.
Guestbook links are really no different than FFA links, if you
think about it. FFA (Free For All) pages are pages where a link
can be obtained by anyone (even a script) without human
intervention, meaning no person even looks to see if the
requesting site has any decent content. Such link lists are
obviously useless. Ask yourself when was the last time you went
to a FFA link list to find a useful web site. How about never?
And since ANY site owner could do the same thing--sign a
thousand guestbooks--how much credibility can such links truly
have? None. If I run a site that sells snake oil I can spend my
days signing the guestbooks of the best sites on the web and
leech some link popularity from them? Nope.
The real question here is do search engines know about this scam
yet, or do they count guestbook links as additional links for
poplarity rankings? My hunch is that since guestbook links are
not in any way an indication of content quality, then they do
not matter at all.
If ANY search engine currently gives any credit or rankings
impact for guestbook links, this impact is only because the
engine hasn't yet figured out the guestbook trick, and soon
will. In fact, since the majority of guestbooks pages have the
word guestbook in the URL string, it would be absurdly easy for
the search engines to simply ignore any link that appears at any
URL with the letters guestbook in it.
And I'll bet you if they don't already ignore them they will
My last point is more philosophical. If the reason you are
seeking a link is because
a). The link can be obtained automatically or in bulk numbers
and b). You are trying to inflate links for SEO purposes, then
the bottom line is it's all bullsh*t, and no matter if the
engines figure it out today or next month, the tactic is based
on a lie and shouldn't be done.
Until next time, I remain,
Eric Ward, - The Link Mensch