Self Improvement Videos: Quality Tube Time Or Not?

Before you spend another dime purchasing the latest self improvement video release, take a moment to read the following article. Within it, you will find several tips to help you get the most value out of the money and time you invest. Self improvement videos can be worth their weight in gold, but only if you extract all you can from them. Here's how. Plan a good time and place to watch the video. Just as you wouldn't attend a class or lecture with screaming children or a nagging spouse, the time and place you choose to watch your video should also be free of distractions. A quiet time in a private room with the understanding that you are to be left alone will allow you to concentrate on the information in the video. Make watching the video an active experience. Most of the time when we watch TV, we just sit there and passively observe the screen. This does not encourage retention of the information. If you really want to learn and absorb self-improvement information, be sure to keep a notebook and pen handy and take notes during the video. Also be sure to write down any new ideas or questions that occur as you are watching. Review. After watching the video for the first time, read through your notes. Review in your mind the information and ideas that were presented. Tell yourself outloud some of the things you learned. As you do this, be sure and keep track of any new ideas or questions that you think of. Rewatch. Now, sit back and watch the tape or dvd again. This time you'll not only discover information you missed the first time, but you'll also find answers to some of your questions and even a few more self-improvement ideas. Apply. Don't let your new knowledge go to waste. If there were practical excercises and good ideas introduced in the video, start putting them into action right away. This will help you to quickly make these new skills second nature and speed up your journey. Remember, your path of self improvement is a really a course in "You 101". Treat watching self improvement videos like a class and you will be more likely to graduate with honors.