Tips for a happy life

To firmly believe we have the power and deserve to lead a happy life: that's the motto of this article. Our lives can be a pleasing and miraculous journey. Does happiness exist? Many will unhesitatingly claim it doesn't. Others, more enthusiastic ones, will claim there are happy moments and unhappy ones. Still others, although very few, will answer that it does exist: these are the ones who have got to know that happiness can be learnt. To do that, we must leave our everyday limitations aside, open ourselves to new experiences that allow us to stop to appreciate all the good around us, breathe deeply and simply enjoy. This is not about hitting the jackpot and being able to solve all of our problems in the blink of an eye. This is not about settling for what we have sulking about what we do not have and in many cases waiting for a miracle to free us from our problems. This is about learning to live in a different way, as simple as that. Here's a way that will lead you to fulfillment, help you to forget sadness and negative energies. Choose gratifying activities Go out with friends Attend a self-help meeting, take up a hobby Read a good book Save up to buy something you really like Write a poem Go for a walk, etc. There are endless activities that can bring us pleasure. Know how to enjoy If we are waiting for a reason to be happy -that we have bought our own house, struck lucky, got a new job, made more money- we can wait our whole lifetimes and never actually be happy. We need to live the present moment, and programme ourselves to achieve our goals. But at the same time, we must enjoy what we have, for simple things can bring lots of happiness. Learn to learn from each situation All events have a bright side. We must learn to tell the good around us so that we can make it work to our own profit. Unpleasant experiences can help us grow spiritually When calamity strikes, we only think of our own bad luck and envy those who "get it right". However, we must remember that unpleasant experiences are part of everybody's lives and that we need to learn to overcome them. Our motto: we have the power and deserve to be happy Why should we think others are luckier than we are and that we will never achieve our goals? If we look on every day cheerfully and with the certainty that we deserve the best, it will be granted to us. A good way to do this is to look at ourselves in the mirror as we get up every day and repeat to ourselves "I'll have a great positive day which will bring on happiness" @@@ Change to grow Many times, fear, other people's views and the possibility of suffering hinder change. Is it worthwhile to keep a partner that mistreats us? Why do we complain we are ill and not see a doctor? A big step towards our happiness consists in admitting our own mistakes and daring to realize what is not working for us and changing it. Fight negative feelings with love Envy, hatred, guilt and selfishness are feelings that do but hurt us and close the doors to happiness. We must be simple and discreet, appreciate those we love and simply stay away from narrow-mindedness, bad intentions and negative energies. Trust others Most people are afraid to be deceived - sometimes on solid grounds - and don't trust others as a result. If we let ourselves be carried away and open our senses, our intuition will clearly indicate who is being sincere to us and who isn't. We'll then feel free to approach the former and offer our help if they need it. Recall pleasant experiences We really must learn to enjoy pleasant moments so that we can remember them for ever, not to feel depressed because we don't get them again, but to feel great about ourselves. We can share these memories with our loved ones, and a satisfied smile will glow in our faces. Train your spirit Praying or meditation will get us in touch with the deepest and highest part of our being, and we will be nearer God. If we do this every day, we will be able to come up against our problems with a whole new outlook, negative energies will move out, along with all the superficial stuff, and we will be able to enjoy life, nature and relationships fully.(for more info on this, see my book Sex and the Perfect Lover) . Recommend this article to a friend, he can be happy today, like you.