Reveal the Leader Within

A Leader is not a certain type of person or position of power. It is not the one at the top of the golf leader board at any specific time or the person at the top of an organisation. It is YOU. In this article we want to show you how to reveal the leader within. To give you some ideas, methods, tips that will make you think and, if you want to, enable you to reveal the leader within you.

First; What is a Leader? Ponder this question for a while.

What is a leader to you?

What image does the word leader conjure up for you?

Is it someone with charisma?

Perhaps it is someone who is able to get others to do what they want?

Or someone who is able to get individuals to do the impossible?

Is someone born a leader or are they made?

What about world leaders. Are they bred, made by their political parties or carbon copies of their idols?

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