Here are five easy steps to turn your surfboard into a piece of surf art. Or an easy way to turn that old classic sun brunt brown board into a new cool looking stick. This is the same way the pros at lost surfboards or spyder surfboards set up for their amazing art boards.
Step1: Materials
make sure you get the right items for the job. Some colorful spray paint, low tack masking tape, a xacto knife, and a bottle of clear acrylic sealant. The low tack masking tape works the best, it may cost a little more, but when you are peeling it off your board it won't rip or tare. It is always best to do your art on a new surfboard that is clean from wax and grease. But if it's an old longboard or short board just take your time cleaning it up. Once all the wax is removed use some wax remover or paint thinner to get the board as clean as possible.
Step2: Your custom design planning
think big!!!!! You have to think big because a small design wont show up. Try to be original and spend some time on your design. Remember this piece of surf art will be an extension of yourself on your surfboard.
Step3: Taping and cutting your design
tape the surfboard from rail to rail all the way across the board. Make sure to overlap the tape on top of itself about