Thirty Years of Creating Quality Catechetical Resources
Thirty Years of Creating Quality Catechetical Resources Joan and
Paul Plum, I Am Special and IAS Marketing by Lisa M. Hendey with
Paul S. Plum Joan and Paul Plum offer a shining example of
discerning and saying "yes" to God's call to vocation. As a
young mother of three and a Catholic school kindergarten teacher
in the 1970's, Joan Plum recognized the need for high quality
catechetical resources for her young students. Joan created and
piloted a program for her students and shared it with the Sunday
schoolers at her parish. Within a few years, Joan and her
husband Paul published the first I Am Special program and began
selling it by mail order from their home. I learned about Paul
and Joan Plum when I was lucky enough to run across their latest
book Teach Me about a Church Inside & Out: Discussions and
Activities for Children. This simple yet expansive paperback
introduces children and their parents to the various items
related to our Church and Catholic liturgy. Alphabetically, the
book defines terms from Altar to Vestment, providing informative
descriptions, outline illustrations suitable for coloring, and
interactive elements to engage the reader. I have found this
book to be an excellent teaching tool with my own children,
especially my young Thurifer. If you don't know what a Thurifer
is, you too will benefit from reading Teach Me about a Church
Inside & Out: Discussions and Activities for Children. Thirty
years, one partnership with Our Sunday Visitor, and countless
books and resources later, Paul and Joan Plum continue to say
"yes" to their catechetical vocation by bringing new and
exciting tools for teaching our youngest Catholics and their
families. I am pleased to share the following interview with
Joan and Paul Plum and to highlight the fine work of the Plums
and IAS Marketing. Q: Is there any difficulty to working as a
team in your writing?
A: No, not really. We each brought our own particular knowledge
and skills to the project. For example, Joan's academic
knowledge and classroom experience complement Paul's
organizational and creative skills.
Q: What special challenges do you face in writing for children?
A: First of all, you should define your audience. The concepts
introduced need to be age appropriate. In dealing with
activities we keep in mind the various communities (city, rural,
suburban), possible experiences, and ethnic backgrounds of the
children. We try to complement the child's emergent academic,
social, emotional, physical, and moral development.
Q: Please say a few words about the illustrations in your books.
A: The illustrations for three of the books (Jesus, the Mass,
and Prayer) were completed by Andee Most. Andee has been the
artist for the I Am Special program since 1980. Joan and I have
enjoyed working with Andee for over 25 years until her
retirement this past year. Her stylized art and happy drawings
have been enjoyed by millions of children, teachers, and parents.
The illustrations for the other three books (Mary, Saints, and
the Church) were completed by Mimi Sternhagen. Mimi is a very
talented freelance artist who has a valuable background and
experience in religious art. We look forward to working with her
on future projects.
Q: I love your newest book, Teach Me about a Church Inside &
Out: Discussions and Activities for Children. What prompted you
to write this book and what are your goals for the book.
A: This resource book is targeted to 4th and 5th graders. It
should also be useful to boys and girls serving Mass and could
be used as a simple reference for those running a RCIA and/or
RCIC program.
This book is also a follow up to a church kit called Teach Me
About the Church that includes a white cardboard church model,
51 four-color pieces of church elements and furnishings and an
instruction book. Fully assembled, the church is approximately
12" wide x 20" long and 20" high.
Our goals for this book can be found in our message to teachers
and parents found on the inside cover of the book: " Acquainting
and explaining to children the various items related to church
and liturgical services can help them feel more comfortable in
participating in liturgical prayer and worship. At the same
time, through your instruction and example they will learn to
respect their parish church as a special house of prayer, a holy
temple, and a house of God. The church as God's house is a
visible sign of God's presence among us (Cf. CCC 1179-1181). We
find Jesus present in the people gathered, the priest who leads
us in prayer, and in the words from sacred Scripture that we
hear (Cf. CCC 1141-1142; 1153-1155). In this sacred place, the
children and the adults of the parish assemble for the
liturgical celebration of the Eucharist (Mass) and receive the
spiritual nourishment of Christ himself in Holy Communion (Cf.
CCC 1392). And lastly, their parish church also serves as a
symbol, reminder, and promise of God's house yet to come (Cf.
CCC 1198)." Q: The interactive nature of the activities in your
books definitely reinforces the concepts presented. Why is this
so important when writing for children?
A: The classical adage from John Dewey is appropriate here
"Children learn by doing." When children are actively involved
in their learning, they are more likely to process and remember
concepts learned.
Q: I learned a thing or two myself in sharing this book with my
children. What type of research went into writing the book? Did
you learn any new or interesting facts in the process?
A: We started by mentally visiting some of the many churches
that we've been to over the years and then categorized the
various items we could recall. We talked to our pastor, deacon,
a Parish Director and others about the contents of our book. The
other references we used are listed on the inside cover of the
book. During the research process, Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic
Encyclopedia proved to be the most helpful resource. It is also
a fun book to browse through and read about the historical
background of topics.
Q: What closing comments would you like to share with our
A: Through divine revelation we know and believe that our
dignity as individual human persons originates from our
Creator's love for us: God created humanity in the divine image,
in the image of God they were created; male and female God
created them. (Cf. Gn 1:27)
As we grow in knowledge and experience, we also learn that God
has provided each of us with talents, qualities, and interests
that enhance our uniqueness as individuals. A key objective of
our Catechetical ministry over the past 30 years was to
contribute to that discovery process in order to help young
children offer God a response of Christian faith and love at
their level of understanding and participation.
Emphasizing the children's self-assurance and self-esteem during
their early years is important for their faith development
because in the process they will have learned that God provided
each of them with qualities, talents, and capabilities that make
them special. And then, through prayer and song, we can help
children praise and thank God for their gifts.
Young children's development of high self-esteem is also a step
in the life-long process of fulfilling God's commandment that
Jesus gave us: Love your neighbor as yourself. (Cf. Mt 22:39)
For young children, who are just emerging out of their natural
egocentric state, the necessary starting point is with the
children's self-concept. The challenge for parents, teachers,
and catechists is to affirm and build upon the children's
self-esteem and, then, guide them to interact with others with
the same kind of positive attitude and love that the children
have for themselves. For more information about Teach Me about a
Church Inside & Out: Discussions and Activities for Children
Lisa M. Hendey is a mother of two sons, webmaster of numerous
web sites, including and, and an avid reader of Catholic
literature. Visit her at for more