According to the revelation giving to me from the scroll taking from the book of Zachriah chapter 14:1-end, Cape Town in South Africa will become the new Jerusalem on which the proposed temple of Ezekiel shall be built. The facts are as follows; Being the new Mount Zion in Africa, Cape Town is situated on a table moutain which represent the hight of Mount Zion in Israel while part of it is a valley representing the Mount Olive in the end times described by Prophet Zechariah. She 3,549 feet above sea level while the Jerusalem in Isreal is 2,550 above Mediterranean sea level and 3,800 feet above the dead sea level in the middle east. The Mount Olive in Isreal is part of Jerusalem and is located at a point where the Dead Sea on the West and the Mediterranean Sea on the East could be seen on which the proposed temple of Ezekiel should be built. Similary, Cape Town being part of Isreal situated at a point here the Indian Ocean in the East and the Atlantic Ocean in the West could be seen. A black American Randall Robinson Executive Director of Trans-Africa of the United States during his arrival in Cape Town with a congressional delegation in December, 1976 said, " A black South African Driver from the Consulate took a group of us up on the table mountain; the flat surface of the mountain outlook a point at which the waters of the Indian and Atlantic Ocean merged at the bottom of Africa" Ebony Magazine of May, 1985 Page 140. Apart from the Middle East region, Cape Town being spiritual part of Israel is the only city that has the very Mediterranean climate unlike the rest of western, eastern and southern regions of Africa.(study 'climates' in search engines) Also she shared the very time zone with the Jerusalem in Israel; that is if is 2 PM in Cape it is exactly 2 PM in Jerusalem in Israel unlike the rest cities in Africa and in Israel (study time zones of the world in search engines)s Prophet Zechariah described it has having a cleaving valley while the Jerusalem mountain stoop up from behind and living water or fresh water shall flow from the top of Jerusalem to the two seas(the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea); similarly, Cape Town is divided into two sections, on section of it is the table mountain being the flat surface which outlook the Indian and the Atlantic ocean while the rest section of the city lies on a valley to the shore of the two oceans leaving the table mount behind. More importantly, the table mountain of Cape Town supply the fresh water to the rest of the city below and even to the ships harboring at her seaport just as the prophecy of Zechariah implied.(Study Cape Town in search engines and encyclopedias). South Africa produces 90 percent of the world gold and quite abound with many mineral resources which has produced the new Jerusalem in the end-time similar to the New Jerusalem which is to come down from heaven which is the CITY of GOLD from which flows the rivers of life from the throne of GOD Prophet Ezekiel also predicted of this new Jerusalem on earth in the end-times which should be similar to coming New Jerusalem from Heaven( Revelation chapter 21 to 22 and Ezekiel chapter 40 to 47) ISREAL LINK IN CAPTE TOWN One of the biggest Isreali synogoe is built in Cape town; an Isreali Rabbi ministered to Dr Nelson Mandala during his ofiical swearing in ceremony after he won the first general election. Accoring to the then Priminister of Isreal , 80 percent of the white minority in South Africa are Jews when Isreal was called by the United Nations to impose economic sanction against former apartheid South Africa in 1985 which she refused. Isreal was deeply involved in the economics and politics of the then Apartheid South African enclave according to international press reports. PROHET ISAIAH PREIDICTION OF THE SUN CITY In Isaiah, 19: 18-19, reveals the oppression of the Egyptians in the end-time representing another black African nation just as the children of Israel were oppressed by the Egyptians; and that GOD will send them a savior who would delivered them as he sent Moses; this implies the ministry of the end-time biblical prophet since Egypt is a Muslim nation. Prophet Isaiah predicted that one of those cities in the oppressed Egypt shall be called 'THE CITY OF THE SUN'. Since in the days of the prophets, Egypt already had a Sun city of the sun god called 'Halipolis' whose ruins was discovered some few years ago. Therefore Prophet Isaiah was prophesying about another African nation in the end-times who shall be oppressed like the Jews in Egypt and shall also have a city to be popularly known as 'SUN CITY' describes as one of the cities of the Canaanites. Therefore South Africa being the new land of Canaan in the end-times one of her cites called as home lands is calledd 'SUN CITY' whose original name is Bophuthtswana. During the past apartheid regime, the blacks of South Africa were driven away from the most fertile land and those abound with natural resources into special reservation called' HOME LANDS"These home lands are given independence by the South African Govement and Isreal was fully involved in the politics and economy of these independent home lands as a Jewis homelands in whose country the blacks majority were oppressed for more than 300 years like the jews who were oppressed for 400 years in accient Egypt in which the former City of the Sun was found(see 'South African home lands' in search engines) PROPHETIC MINISTERS WANTED ROCK OF JESUS PROPHHETIC MINISTRIES REQUIRED THE SPREADING THE NEW REVELATION GIVEN TO THE PROPHET TO THE REST OF THE WORLD THROUGH MINISTERS AND PASTORS INTERESTED IN THE RESPRESENTATION OF ROCK OF JESUS PROPPHETIC MINISTRIES IN THEIR RESPECTIVE COUNTRIES INCLUDING PUBLISHERS OF OUR VERIOUS PROPHETIC BOOKS FOR GLOBAL CIRCULATION. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION SHOULD BE PUBLISHED INDEPENDELY WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR WHICH MAY BE CONTACTED THROUGHT THE FOLLWING ADDRESS; PROPHET GOODNEWS ADOLPHUS, EMAIL:, Phone 2348034505063