Differences Between New Era and Christianity

Do you believe that there is no right and wrong, that whether something is right or wrong is decided by each individual? Or do you believe there is bad karma and that you pay for it by being reincarnated? Or do you believe neither- then what alternative is there, if any? Do you believe that God wants everyone to be saved or only a few? Do you think that promoting the belief in Having any values whatsoever is good for the world? Your answers to these questions tells whether you support the New Era movement or not. In the New Era belief, you yourself decide what it right, values are relative. New Era supporters believe in reincarnation, because as one pop song put it, "it takes more than one lifetime to learn". Yet the New Era followers believe in karma. However the New Age movement does not try to stimulate moral values in people for them, or tells them they can do whatever because there is no need for salvation. In the new Era, the followers believe that everyone is saved no matter what bad they do. In contrast, Christians accept that ten million lifetimes would not be enough to learn. The more that the world progresses in technology, the worse that the weapons become. The more medicines are invented, the more billions that have no access to them because of poverty. We have the accumulated knowledge of past generations accumulated as formal education, we have more information than ever. But we still have the same world problems. Christians believe there is definite right and wrong. If not there would not be so many problems in the world. We are all imperfect and need salvation, but we can not earn salvation by ourselves because not even one bad thing that we have done can become undone by all the good we do. Nor can we clean up guilt by saying that all we do is good. The Belief in Karma can not save us because karma is a racist philosophy from India that justifies the mistreatment of a race of people called "the untouchables". Karma, according to people in the New Era movement, is the idea that you pay for what you do wrong. Karma as a belief is not "new" at all, it originated from India. In India, Hindus and Buddhists believe that karma is accumulated through reincarnation and one pays for karma in their next reincarnation. In India, karma is used as an excuse to justify the wrongs accepted with racism. They believe that people who were born with black skin are born that way because they were evil in a past life. In India, the blacks are called the untouchables. They and anybody who is crippled or poor are denied equality and opportunities to improve their life,as K.P. Yohannan explains in his Christian book, Revolution in World Missions, according to karmic belief, Hindus believe that helping them would worsen their condition, prolonging the time they have to suffer to pay for their bad karma. Thus the belief in karma plus reincarnation equals racism. In Hinduism, some animals are sacred because it is believed that people incarnate into them. Sadly, Hinduism keeps India poor, K.P. Yohannan adds, because the Hindus believe that rats are sacred. They will not exterminate rats even though they eat one third of the crops and cause disease. The cows and rats eat the crops but starving people are not allowed to eat of it. In Christian belief, all races are made by God from one common ancestor, Adam and Eve. We are all made in God's image and deserve to be treated equally and loved as God loves us (Genesis 2:27). The Bible tells us to help the poor. "If there be any among you that are poor of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the Lord has given you, you shall not harden your heart, nor shut your hand from your poor brother (Deuteronomy 15: 7) and "And thy shall not glean your vineyard, neither shall you gather every grape of thy vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger" (Leviticus 23:22). To glean means to pick up every last crop. Some of the crop must be left behind for the poor of the country and the poor foreigners to gather. Jesus taught that a man who could not see was not born Without sight to pay for his sin nor for the sin of his parents (John 9:1-3). People with handicaps are equal to all and should not be looked down upon. But from Western eyes, it is not desirable to have "good karma" either. Reverend Mois