got sales?

Do you feel that you web sales have reached a plateau? Well a few fresh ideas can help boost your sales. I'm going to provide a few simple ideas that you might have not thought about or maybe just didn't think that they could work. But a few tweaks here in their can mean big returns in your pocket. eBay - even if your company sells over a million dollars worth of products a month eBay can help you bring in a little bit more. A great way to drive extra traffic to your site is to set up your user id with your site's address. Now the only way I know how to do this on eBay is by putting your web address in between asterisks, for example my site address is so my eBay user id would be ** by doing this eBay users who see your id will be curious and visit your site. Sponsor an event - Depending on your budget you can sponsor just about any kind of event. One that I really like is to contact a local school and sponsor a drawing contest. The winner can get a gift certificate or even better a gift certificate and a t-shirt or hat with your company