Overcoming Barriers to Sales
Ever thought to yourself, "If only my team members would
complete the tasks that we mutually agreed to in our action
Most managers have felt this way about certain employees at some
point in time.
Let's face it, some employees have a very hard time consistently
executing tasks that "should" be relatively simple to complete.
So what are the barriers getting in the way of their success?
Actually, there are several types of barriers - but perhaps not
the typical sort of barriers that you may be thinking.
Barriers can be classified in three major categories. Each
category identifies strong barriers that, if not quickly
identified and corrected by the team leader, can negatively
impact the progress of your team. The Three Major Types of
Barriers are: (Hint: Remember A, B, C)
A-ttitude Barriers B-ehavioral Barriers C-onceptual Barriers
Attitude Barriers Every employee must take ownership of his or
her own attitude. A manager is NOT in charge of anyone's
attitude except her own. If an employee has a poor and
non-productive attitude and is not willing to correct it, that
is a personal choice and that person needs to be held
accountable for that decision.
Quite simply, there are too many quality people who are willing
to learn and add value to an organization, for a leader to
invest time and money on anyone who makes the conscious "choice"
to portray a poor attitude.
Keep in mind, if a leader does NOT hold team members accountable
for non-productive attitudes, then he/she has in essence told
the team "it's ok".