2002--another year, another chance to make a fresh start. What resolutions will you make this year? And, more importantly, which ones will you keep? After all, making resolutions is easy,
keeping them can be tough after your initial good intentions start to fall by the wayside and old habits start to kick in.
Every year I see the same thing. The gym suddenly becomes more crowded with the "newbies" who have admirably decided to begin a regular exercise program. Not to worry, most of them will quit by Washington's Birthday weekend. Also, everyone you talk to is
on a diet after having too much of the holidays. This too shall pass. I'm not trying to be cruel, but good intentions don't turn into lasting results for the majority of us.
Wouldn't it be great to make a healthy resolution this year that you can actually keep? Well I have one for you, it's called "gradual lifestyle change". If you really pay attention to the top health experts, not the "fad of the day" diet gurus