Coping With Critical Co-Workers

Following are four common sense tips to sustain your sanity when dealing with overly-critical co-workers, clients, supervisors or any other
Following are four commonsense tips to sustain your sanity when dealing with overly-critical co-workers, clients, supervisors or any other "neigh-sayer" in your life based on my workbook Love Your Work:

1. Take the time and effort to step into his (or her) moccasins and view things from their perspective instead of yours.

2. Remember a time in your life when you experienced similar events/feelings.

3. Keeping all that information in mind, construct strategies to help you understand who they are what they think and feel and why they behave like they do even better.

4. When all else fails, politely remind them (or maybe just yourself if the critical one happens to hold a position authority over you) of the wise words of Frank A. Clark, "Lots of faults we think we see in others are simply the ones we expect to find there because we have them."

The Love Your Work ebook is available at