I discovered this 'Purposeful Pointer' while working through the process of deciding about going on my trip to Louisiana to help with the pets displaced by Katrina. It reminded me of the old riddle: "How do you eat an elephant?" Answer - one bite at a time. When you find yourself challenged by a purpose project, try taking it 'one bite at a time.' What's the one next step that would allow you to move forward? Take it, then re-evaluate to see if you want to continue the journey. If so, ask yourself what's the next step? When the answer comes, take it. Keep checking in with yourself to be sure the steps are consistent with your true purpose. For example, my trip to Louisiana to help out with the displaced animals started by my asking my inner guidance for a "Katrina Inspired Purpose Project" before retiring one night. When I was awoken by the idea to volunteer my veterinary services to help the animals, I balked at first. It felt too large and too hard. Yet, as I checked in further, I realized that was mostly my Inherited Purpose trying to take over, so I simply took the next step by going online to see if veterinary volunteers were even needed. When I learned they were, I filled out a couple applications -- the next step, then the next, then the next. Try it out. You might learn what I relearned recently: You might not be able to tell where the breadcrumbs of your purpose and passion are leading you, but you'll never be disappointed where you end up.