Hidden Inspiration

In every career, hobby, and even life itself... one eventually reaches what they may see as a plateau... a flat spot... a point they can't seem to reach beyond. This is a good time to put something inspiring in front of you so you can build the fuel (motivation) to "get your butt in gear" and break out of the rut you've found yourself in. Most of us get inspiration from different sources. Some from celebrities or sports stars. Others from art; whether written, sculpted, or sang out on MTV. Still others find their inspiration in nature... sitting by a "babbling brook"... under a moonlit sky. But there is one source of inspiration that many overlook. ...a HIDDEN source. It's an incredible journey to find it, but you don't have to go very far. And it's the most relaxing trip you will ever take. All you have to do is learn how to meditate, and "practice, practice, practice." Inside your mind is an amazing place full of wonder, creativity and all the inspiration you will ever need. I like to call it the inner playground. ...and I'd be happy to tell you how to get there. Here's what you need: 1: a quiet place to sit Here's what you do: 1: you stretch 2: you sit 3: you breathe 4: you get deeper and deeper with practice 5: you discover things about yourself you never knew 6: your life begins to change While it is necessary to learn how to meditate to reach the inner playground, it's quite impossible to explain how to get there in this one little article. This is the severely condensed version of an incomplete story. What's important is that you know that the inspiration is there when you need it. That alone should be enough to "inspire" you to learn how to meditate. See... it's working already. And as far as your "plateau" is concerned... can you think of a better place to meditate? It's much easier to sit down on a "flat spot". The inspiration you need will come. Get in touch with your inner self. Explore the inner playground. Then take your inspiration, calm, clarity and wisdom with you everywhere you go.