Forget Sex Tours

Sex tours is a type of international tourism that guides travelers to international brothels, massage parlors and bars where prostitution is legal or ignored by police. Your author despises prostitution. It is a crying shame that getting laid has become so difficult in Western Countries, especially the United States that it has come to this. Sex Tours. Lawmakers are busying in the US trying to shut down these operations. My advice, don't risk your life and your reputation with prostitutes. Why risk running against the law? If you are a sex crazed man there are better ways. There are actually many women world wide who love sex too and would like a boyfriend even if you are old, bald or fat. I am not talking about the local seniors dating club either. I should know I am the World's Number 1 Playboy. I am no Brad Pitt. Yet I have more girlfriends than any rock star, movie star or sport star. I am so good at meeting and picking up hot girls I have started my own business. My job is finding hot playmates for guys who want hot sex with real life girlfriends. I have in and around 1000 girlfriends of my own. No man on earth has more real girlfriends than Elvis Preston King. I travel the world looking for the hottest most available women. I avoid known prostitution spots such as Rio, Thailand, San Jose etc. I find cities where I am the only Westerner, absolutely not even one tourist and especially where there are no sex tourists. I have been a pick up artist all my life so I go to work picking up girls. I am an older man but I like younger women. There are cultures where the older man is put on a pedestal. These are the out of the way, unknown spots that I look for my girlfriends in. Of course, picking up and seducing women and being a playboy requires skill in any place in the world. If one is avoiding pros then the proper seduction skills are needed. These I have. The good news if you were planning a sex tour instead consider taking a vacation to an exotic tropical island and let the king help you meet real girlfriends who really want your company and who really want a boyfriend. Elvis Preston King: email