Plight of the Pedophile

The Plight of the Pedophile By Punkerslut The condition of the Pedophile today is the same as the condition of the blasphemer 200, 300, 400, or 500 years ago. He is outcast from society, branded with the marks of infamy, detested from every social class and every nobility. To the children, they say he is heartless. To the adults, they say he is merciless. And to the old, they say that he is brutal. In every crevice of the world, there is no sympathy for lovers of our youth. It is widely broadcasted throughout every television and radio program that Pedophilia is equatable with rape -- that if one below the magical age of 18 were to have sex with some at or over the age of 18, it must be a forced act, that it is the deplorable thing we call rape. It is impossible for them to believe that someone under 18 -- even though with the very tools for sex readily available -- could possibly consent to sex. To those who are not bondaged to this uncivilized belief that youth lovers are rapists, it is quite easy to understand that court cases prosecuting for Pedophilia are simply prosecuting an individual for sharing affection physically. To outlaw sexual activity between adults and children is perhaps one of the most irrational actions of any legislative branch. In this writ, it believes it is both capable and needed in governing the personal relationships of the people. It finds itself to be intervening a sort of injustice. But what sort of injustice has there been? When two individuals consent to do something together, when they harm no others, how can this be called an act of injustice? There will be pleas made by iniquity to justify their Xenophobia, their absolute fear of breaking custom's laws. They will say that children are incapable of making a choice for sexual activity -- that, by some writ of human DNA, until their 18th birthday, every question concerning sexuality is blurred into some unrecognizable form. However, this supposed fact is highly emphasized on smaller child who may be 12 or younger. They will claim that such children are incapable of consenting to sexual activities at all. However, such naive thinking is rather typical of those who adhere to the dogmas of their time. Anyone who has any sort of familiarity with children understands that children are fully capable of consenting to certain activities. They may choose to act they wish, selectively playing with certain toys, or choosing one food over the other. Once sex has been explained to them, there can be no doubt that they would be able to consent to it with knowledge in mind. However, it has even been the work of the Conservatives to disallow knowledge of sex, to claim that sex questions themselves are inherently sinful! These advocates of making information illegal are only oppressing freedom of thought, and thus curtailing every freedom that we have! The authorities will make every possible public mark about his actions, save for the Scarlett Letter, and when the sex criminal has been harassed, beaten, and abused by the so-called good-hearted community, once this is done, the authorities will look the Pedophile and say, "That man is cruel and heartless, deserving of no affection, deprived of all beauty." Think of that! They will throw on to him the burden of guilt while they themselves endeavor only to cause suffering. Megan's Law, for example, requires a Pedophile convict to give notice of his name, address, and crime to all people who live within a three block radius, using the methods deemed appropriate by probation officer, including, "signs, handbills, bumper stickers, clothing labels, and door-to-door oral communication." This is no longer a case of sexual exploitation. It's a case of incredible masses of uneducated, unintelligent people making oppressive laws. When things have come this far, it is no longer a battle between the youth lovers and the Authoritarians, but a battle between the Humanitarians and the tyrants, a battle between compassion and depravity. These laws are not only opposed by the lovers of youth, but the lovers of affection. To what sentiment of humaneness can one appeal to when proposing such a law? There can be none. And so this law, Megan's Law, is just a barbaric sentiment that arose from the ancient scaffolds, the dismembering of hands of thieves, the imprisonment of those in debt -- it is simply barbaric and cruel. Opposed not only by our brotherly Pedophiles, but also by anyone who has any sort of emotion of kinship with their fellow human beings. Like the blasphemer, though, the Pedophile is civilized and produces good things for our world. The infidels and heretics questioned what was popularly believed, relieving from the minds of men that they need to fear an afterlife. And so today, youth lovers work to give the minds of men and children the peace of knowledge that pleasure is not to be abhorred, that happiness and joy are intrinsically valuable and good things. Those who oppose Pedophilia are only attempting to relinquish one taboo from the minds of our society. Instead, they work to cause suffering and to degrade those who hold that adults and children may have sexual relations between each other. Yet those who defend Pedophilia will continue to assert that forced sexual acts are an abomination, a cruelty which cannot be replaced. Pedophilia is not at all about forced or coerced sexual activity. Pedophilia is about freedom and the liberty to govern one's own body without harming others. Still, though, the assertion will ring throughout the halls of injustice that Pedophilia is rape under any condition. They will claim that, judging by the years a person has existed on this planet, that this scale is perfect for determining exactly when they are ready to use their own bodies for their own will. I can say this of rape -- forced sexual acts are horrible, whether between two individuals of the same age or of a different age. I could never excuse such a brutality on the grounds of any philosophical assertion. Some may say that Pedophilia should be outlawed entirely because of the few incidents of rape, but then it should follow that all sex should be outlawed because of those few incidents. And the legislators fail to understand that rape occurs, regardless of what the laws say. Outlawing Pedophilia only deprives human beings of the right to govern their own bodies without harming anyone around them. I must oppose age-consent laws as I oppose any form of tyranny which works on the assumption that liberty is unnecessary. And so, to oppose Pedophilia is to oppose justice and liberty. To say that a child or an adult has no right to govern their own body, even if they cause no suffering in their actions, to say this is the worst form of brutality. It makes it illegal to show affection physically, it makes it a crime to express compassion, it villifies those who desire to give the kiss of warmth to the youth of our world. To the man who has offered his body and his affections to children, the authorities will call him a rapist, they will throw him in jail, and upon release, they will force him to inform those around him of his activities, relegating him to abuse and harassment. This can be defined aptly as the rogue state -- a government which holds that sex and love are illegal. Just as it was illegal for the races to engage in sex with each other, today it is illegal for the ages to engage in sex with each other. This is but the worst of crimes -- to call sex and love a crime. It may be true that the love between a man and a child will forever remain a mystery in the hearts of people. It may be true that physical affection and warmth will forever be lost in the abyss of ignorance. It may be true that justice will fall victim to merciless brutality, that affection and kindness have no place in society, that considering everything of value, liberty cannot be found -- but it is the heart of the Humanitarians and the lovers of youth and compassion to oppose these possibilities with every ounce of strength that can be mustered. For Life, Punkerslut