Security in Domain Registration - what's all the hype about?

When it comes to registering your domain name and establishing your presence online, there are fundamental aspects that need to be taken into consideration in order to prevent unnecessary hurdles from affecting both you and your customers. Whether you are a small or large company, or simply interested in setting up your own personal website, what you need are effective solutions and the correct business tools at a respectable price to offer you peace of mind. I would strongly recommend not looking for cheap imitations of registrars offering you the best quality at ridiculously cheap prices as they don't tend to go hand in hand. You should be looking for a registrar that will provide you a service that offers guaranteed performance, support, reliability, user-friendliness and, above all, SECURITY. "But surely security is offered by all, right?", I hear you ask. Although this statement is generally correct, this security aspect is often neglected by some registrars, even the top dogs in the business. Below are some key areas that you should consider regarding registration security, and will hopefully explain - without all the technical jargon - and assist you in deciding which registrar company suits your needs and expectations. Why is security so important? Security issues adopted by the principal registration companies guarantee that your domain is safeguarded against domain highjackers or others who want to transfer your domain(s) to another registrar without your specific authorization. The knock-on effects will not only imply loosing your domain name but will also result in a costly downtime of yours and your customers