Crime Is Taking Over Small Town America.

Crime Is Taking Over Small Town America. Are you glad you are not living anywhere near a major city where crime seems to be out of control? Have you moved your family to the suburbs or to a smaller town so that you and your children can be safe and so that you don't have to deal with the rising crime of the cities? If so you may come to find that you have done so for no reason. Crime seems to be growing faster in smaller towns than anywhere else. Maybe you are afraid of the big city because all you hear on the news is all the bad things that are happening there, such as murders, rapes, shootings, drugs and gangs? This is not really a good reason to be afraid of the city when you take into consideration the hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions of people who live there and of course there are bound to be bad people among so many. Actually, crime is decreasing in many of our major cities today while if you have been reading the news you may have caught on to the fact that crime is rising in smaller towns and suburbs, even in the country crime seem to be increasing. One reason for this is the growing epidemic of meth amphetamines which is taking over our rural areas. Like with all kinds of drugs you will find increase of other crimes happening. People do whatever to feed their growing habit and also to protect their so called "investment". Drugs very often seem to be the root to all evil because without them people would not do all these crazy things and commit crimes to support their addiction. Drug use is no longer something that takes place only in the ghetto but also among the most influential people among us, it is more common and accepted than most people realize. According to statistics some of your closest friends probably use some kind of drugs and you may not ever know. The reason meth is now hitting small towns and the country is because it can be homemade with ingredients which are normally found on farms. It seems to be the young generations "moonshine", only thing is that this bring along with it a lot of crime. Crimes which before has been known as inner city crimes. Anymore you can't tell if a person is a drug user because he fits in that particular category. There are no "drug categories. As you can see, if you moved away from the city to avoid crime you may be disappointed because you might just have jumped from the frying pan and into the fire. Crime is really nothing you can run from, it is something you just have to try your best to avoid and as far as your kids go, educate them about what is going on in the world and do not try to hide the terrible reality from them. They need to be prepared to face what is out there.