What stage of love are you in?
The 7 Stages of a Romantic Relationship
Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed. There are seven stages in a romantic relationship: avoidance, meeting, dating, breaking up, establishing exclusivity, commitment, and keeping the love you find. Each of these stages vary in length and intensity. At each stage, there are thoughts and feelings telling you what to do and when to do it. You need to learn to listen to your intuition in each stage, so that you can make smart decisions. It is important to note that the breaking up stage can happen at any time within the other stages; i.e., at any time you or the other person decides to exit the relationship for whatever reason. In all seven stages, you always have these choices:
1. Continue moving forward 2. Stagnate 3. Slow down or go backwards 4. Exit
By taking notice of the signals from your head and heart, you will be better able to interpret what your intuition is telling you. At each stage, consider,