How to succeed in a macho world

Did you know that there was a time when women ruled the world? When the most revered figures were females: goddesses, empresses, and mothers. but Three thousand years ago, the vast majority of humanity abandoned goddesses for gods as our ancestors settled and developed agriculture. This was the end of direct female domination. Or was it? Thanks to their formidable inner-strength and to their unflinching determination, women soon started to develop their very own talent to get what they desired, be it a husband, a child, wealth, a house, and more. Women understood early on that reaching their goals was far more important than the path they took to get to them. Women understood before time that they should never let men feel they lost face or have been manipulated. Women fundamentally knew that men needed to believe they were responsible for their success to fully enjoy it. Women have always been aware that confrontation was not the way to victory (ultimately). How do these secularly developed techniques translate into today