Are anti spam software ruining your home business?

Have you started or are you thinking in starting an online business? I bet that you know that the bulk e-mail marketing technique it's widely used on Internet, it's free, it's easy and it's fast... But on the long run it can cost you more than you will gain with it! Many people identify bulk e-mail with spam. Spam used to be referred about posting or broadcasting ads to unrelated discussion groups, but now this term has grown meaning "any unsolicited e-mail" or "any email sent to people that didn't ask for it". And the Internet Service Providers are taking steps that can be very dangerous to your business if you decide to use bulk e-mail as your promotional tool. If the people that receive your unsolicited e-mail, complaint to your ISP and or your virtual host service, you may end up loosing one or both of them. This means that your web site will be shut down, and you will lose your connection to the Internet. Of course that you can get another ISP and virtual host server, but this will harm you in three ways: * It will be a waist of time * It will cost you money * It will damage your reputation So this free medium for online promotion, can be the source of too many problems, and the best that you can do, is to do not get involved with it. But SPAM can give you problems... EVEN WHEN YOU DON'T WANT TO SPAM! And this brings us to our next topic... FREE SPAM CHECKING Let's say that you're about to mail out your e-zine... You can't have an idea of how many will actually REACH your subscribers and how many will get filtered, junked, trashed, or stomped by ISPs, HotMail, Yahoo! Mail, etc., along the way. Why? Simple answer... spam. You know how important e-mail is to YOUR business, right? What if I told you 10%, 20%, maybe 50% or more of it is not getting through? Spam has reached epidemic levels. So much so that ISPs have been forced to combat it with filtering software. Alas, many legitimate marketers aare getting caught up and hurt, even though they are not the target. Now, instead of JUST hoping for the best... With our SpamCheck feature, you can know exactly what to do to reduce the "spamminess" of your e-zines and promotional e-mail! As a result, you will know that your e-mail and newsletters are being delivered directly into INBOXES of your clients and affiliates... .... and NOT into the Junk Mail Folder. It's no longer just enough to send the mail... You must be sure that you can reach the INBOX! What should you do to protect your honest business from being recognized as spam when it is not? Send your marketing letters and e-zine issues to my special autoresponder, and you will get a SpamCheck Report. Even if you don't have an ezine or newsletter you should check your email signature file! Why? Simple answer... the average marketing sig file can contain enough "spam triggers" to throw you into Yahoo! Mail's Junk Mail folder. STEPS TO SPAM CHECKING YOUR MARKETING TOOLS Send an email to with the word TEST (in caps, no quotes)preceding your subject in the Subject line. I repeat, because it's important... Start the subject line with... TEST .... or we assume it's spam (since the spambots will add affiliate spamcheck addresses to their dirty databases), and follow up with your usual e-mail or ezine's Subject i.e. if your Subject is: "The best home business" you should write: TEST "The best home business" On the body of the email put your ezine's issue content or your marketing email's content Send it to: And that's it, that's all there is to it!... You will receive an Instant free spam-checking, and a free Report telling you the results. :-) Written by Dr. Roberto A. Bonomi