Backcountry Snowboarding Gear necessities
The out-of-bounds, Backcountry experience presents the most
amazing challenges and adventures you'll ever have in this
sport. But Before You Go remember safety is #1. You'll need the
whole kit of safety equipment and be aware on how they are to be
These Following items are essential for that out of the ordinary
experience you are sure to have in the backcountry.
1. Transceiver (Beacon) This is your most important item for
your backcountry safety. It enables yourself or others that you
are with to be found in case of a detrimental avalanche.
2. Shovel This will come in handy for designing snow board jumps
as well as making a snow bench for times of relaxing and taking
in the beauty of creation around you while you eat lunch. For
Safety a shovel is best for digging to find those caught in an
3. Probe This will help locate people trapped under the snow.
4. Slope Meter These help detect the snow pack stability and
angle of the slope.
5. Map/Plan/Compass A map with planned route should be taken
with you and a copy left with people who know were you are going
and know when you plan to return. As routes are not always
follow able in uncharted territory the compass is very valuable.
6. Poles Poles are helpful when you must climb or just to help
you maintain balance.
7. Snow Shoes If you are taking a step into new territory, or
creating a new trail. These keep you on top of The Snow.
8. Sunscreen As Sun Reflects strongly off the snow, wearing
sunscreen is a must if you want to avoid the burn or raccoon
eyes made by goggles!
9. Small Repair Kit On the occasion of a break in equipment it
is good to be able to fix these while on the mountain.
10.Water/Food It is vital to stay Hydrated and have the proper
nourishment to help stand up to the efforts you are putting in
to the adventure.
11. Travel Buddy It is so important to venture out with another
experienced buddy who as well knows how to safely get through
the backcountry.
12. Proper Apparel Staying warm and dry is a must. Clothing
companies that specialize in clothing for the backcountry are
good to check out. Stay safe and Avoid frostbite and Hypothermia!
13.Skins These are helpful for traveling up hill when using skis
or a split board.
14. Snowboard Last but not least.... You've got to have this to
ride on the way down (faster than walking and more exciting!)