Kendo Videos
If you seriously want to learn kendo, go to a dojo, do NOT try
to learn using kendo videos. In order to properly learn kendo,
you need to have someone correct you when you are doing
something wrong, that is what the sensei does. Aside from the
video not pointing out your errors, the are usually made by
people who do not know kendo well enought to teach it and are
only in it for the money.
You may think that spending 20 dollars for a kendo video is a
great way to learn to sport, but it isn't. Kendo is a very
complicated sport, and if you try to learn from a video, your
form will be flawed. However, a sensei can provide one on one
support and explain what is wrong with your kendo.
To find a dojo near you, go to the official american kendo
website at and click on "find kendo near you".
Then click on your state and go through the list, picking a few
that are close to you so you can keep your options open.