Build Muscle Fast With This Gain Weight Checklist!
To Gain Weight...Fast!
by James P. Jordan
If you are one of those people who go to the gym dutifully,
bang out the same routine, day after day, year after year and
make very little weight gain, then this is for you.
The word "genetics" has been bandied about so much that it has
become the universal excuse. Disgruntled trainees attribute
great bodies to
two things: genetics or drugs.
Very few people are willing to accept the fact that the reason
that they do not gain weight is because they are not training
It cannot be possible that all weight gain is a result of
superior genetics -- or secret steroid use.
The truth is there are many people with great genetics who take
drugs who still fail to gain weight and there are people with
mediocre genetics who have taken the time to study, to think and
to persevere in order to gain weight.
There are a series of steps (nothing mystical or strange) that
will lead you to gain weight and build muscle to your genetic
No, I am not saying that you will be Mr. or Ms.
Olympia but you certainly will be one of the best-built guys or
girls on the block.
How? I call it the "Synergy to Succeed." If you are one of those
unfortunate people who have been training your ass off, with no
weight gain to show for it, there is hope.
You must develop a strategy to gain weight that works and stop
doing what doesn't work. Sounds simple doesn't it?
Finding the right strategy and the will to stick with it until
that strategy is perfected for you is what separates the
champions in life.
Gaining weight is like putting together the pieces in a puzzle.
With one piece missing the puzzle is incomplete. To complete
the puzzle you must have all the pieces and practice all the
pieces consistently.
More effective than steroids is the mental
greatness, that drives you to complete every piece of the
Here's My check list for gaining weight:(You don't have to agree
with everything I say. However, at least consider it.)
Proper Nutrition to Gain Weight
Your weight gain diet must contain all the nutrients required
for health and optimal physical performance.
For optimal weight gain you require energy to train effectively
for muscle growth while simultaneously burning excess body fat.
Your weight gain Is easy to follow and practical for the long
Eat food that tastes good so that you will stick with your
weight gain plan.
Is economical enough that you can afford to eat for weight gain.
Avoids as many hidden harmful chemicals or allergens as is
possible in the current environment.
Provides proper precursors for optimal hormonal production.
Does not overly rely on supplementation.
Proper Training To Gain Weight
Does not employ movements that are damaging to the body.
Does not employ only the use of heavy weights, thus increasing
the risk of injury.
Does not rely on one form of training protocol to which the body
quickly adapts putting your weight gain to a halt.
Trains smaller and larger muscle groups at different frequencies
to maximise muscle growth throughout the body and reduce
probability of overtraining.
Workouts are completed in 12 to 45 minutes.
Stimulates your body to produce increased levels of hormones for
health and natural weight gain.
Rest and Recuperation To Gain Weight.
Provides quality rest not just a certain number of hours of
sleep per evening.
Allows for adequate recovery between workouts for optimal weight
Eliminates symptoms of overtraining.
Effective Mental Attitude and Perspective.
Consistently strives to reach long term and short term weight
gain goals.
Handles challenges effectively without giving up.
Keeps on track for success.
Maintains belief in oneself to succeed.
Use the following checklist to ensure you weight gain plan
contains all the critical elements for successful weight gain.
Ask yourself these questions:
Nutrition Checklist For Weight Gain
Am I eating 4-6 times per day to keep my metabolism functioning
optimally? (Yes, I know professional bodybuilders eat 8 times
per day but you may have a job, a family or have to go to
Am I eating at least five servings of quality protein to provide
my daily required intake of 1.5 to 2 grams per pound of my lean
muscle mass?
Am I eating a quality source of fibrous carbohydrates with at
least four of my daily meals?
Am I eating the proper fats necessary for a healthy heart,
optimal hormone production and energy?
Am I eating the highest quality unprocessed food that is
available to me?
Am I getting the vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal
body function, fat loss and weight gain?
Am I drinking enough water for my bodyweight, activity levels
and climate?
Am I making sure I do not eat poor food combinations which cause
indigestion and ineffective nutritional uptake by my body?
Mental Checklist For Weight Gain
Am I happy with my work, personal life and relationships and, if
not, am I pursuing a path for change?
Did I do everything I said I would today?
Am I honest with myself, family and friends?
Do I have any unresolved business which is causing me mental
Did I effectively plan my eating and training as to not have any
excuses for missing a meal or workout?
Training Checklist For Weight Gain
Did I warm up properly?
Did I put forth my best effort today in the gym so that I can
rest assured I made progress?
Did I complete the program I set out for myself?
Did I finish my workout efficiently without wasting time?
Did I keep my heart rate at the desired level for the full
duration of my workout?
Did I train smart so as to not injure myself and prevent myself
from meeting my goals?
Rest and Recuperation Checklist For Weight Gain
Am I getting at least seven or eight (preferably nine) hours of
quality rest per 24 hour period?
Do I feel well rested before each training session?
Do I feel enthusiasm towards my workouts?
Do I waste energy with unfocused anxiety during my daily
These lists and goals seem to indicate that I expect everyone
to be perfect and focus on nothing but their bodies. Nothing
could be farther from the truth but you should always set your
standards high. Even if you achieve 75% of your dream, the
improvement will be remarkable.