A Guide to Surfing Wet Suits
Surfing wetsuits are a breed unto themselves. To begin with,
there are cool, surfer-dude designations used to describe the
different styles of surfing wet suits.
The first is the spring suit which has short legs and short arms
and is used to keep the upper body warm and has a thickness of
materials of about 2mm. Short Johns are like spring suits but
without the sleeves and are also usually 2mm thick. Long Johns
have full-length legs and are mostly about 2mm thick. Full Suits
are self-explanatory, the most commonly used -- especially in
colder waters -- whose thickness is determined by the
temperature of the water the surfer usually finds himself in.
Another difference in surfing wet suits is that many have two
layers of material and the area under the arms is thinner than
the rest allowing for easier arm movements critical to
performing well while surfing. Furthermore, it is common for
surfers to add an additional spandex suit underneath their
wetsuits if they venture into cooler waters.
Surfing wet suits need to be more flexible in the upper torso
and shoulder areas than diving wet suits to make the balancing
and control contortions of the surfer easier. Especially
sensitive are the knee areas as the surfer is constantly
shifting his weight to maintain his balance.
Unless the knee areas move easily and don't stretch during this
movement they will inhibit the surfer and cause the suit to
crack with wear at the knees over time. Because of the extreme
physicality involved with the sport of surfing, the entire suit
has to be manufactured with ease of movement and durability at
its core.
Unlike other wetsuits, surfing wet suits don't really care about
thermal heat loss as much as diving suits. And because of the
movement capability in the suit, gender specific manufacture is