The Important Golf Rules and Tips
Golf rules and tips are a dime a dozen. You can go to any
bookstore or look on any golfing website and find hundreds of
tips and rules for you to learn. How can you keep from being
overwhelmed by all of these rules and tips you need to learn?
Learn just one at a time. Then they will stay in your memory
forever. You do not need to learn every single rule to play an
effective game of golf. You just need to know these basic rules.
1.Respect other golfers playing with you and behind you. 2.Drive
golf carts with care-it is not a race. 3.Respect the golf
course-rake the sand and replace divots if needed. 4.Respect
yourself-watch your alcohol intake and how you act.
Golf tips are great for giving little tidbits of help and
assistance in your golf game. For example, if you are having
trouble with an outside to inside downswing then you may need
some tips to help cure the problem. Golf tips bump and drop mean
that you bump your hips out toward your target which will cause
your arms to drop and will help you with your problem downswing.
This can help with the slices and pulls that may be occurring.
Tiger Wood's golf tips can be found online, in magazines, in
books, and in videos. He is a well-rounded golfer that can help
you with your golf game as well. Research golf rules and tips
and remember that golf is for relaxation and fun. Don't get
stuck in the details!