Why All The Fuss About Relaxation
Why All The Fuss About Relaxation?
Bill Dunigan
If you have ever taken many riding lessons I'm sure you have
heard the word "relaxation". It seems to be a staple in every
instructors vocabulary. Have you ever wondered why so many
teachers, trainers, and top riders place so much importance on
it? Sometimes they are refering to relaxation on the part of the
horse and other times it's the rider being encoureged to relax
more. What is it about this one aspect of riding horses that
makes it so universaly important?
Something that we must realize before going any farther in this
discussion is that there is a difference between riding a horse
and working a horse. If we are simply out for a trail ride or
using the ring just to enjoy the beautiful day on horseback, we
are riding. On the other hand if we are preparing for
competition, trying to progress to the next level of
accomplishment in our chosen diciplin, or practicing what we
learned in the previous lesson, then we are working our horse.
When we are just riding we are not doing anything in particular
to bring about specific results within the horse. However, when
working our horse we have a real purpose, That purpose is to
systematicaly and effectivly bring about improvement in the
physical and mental condition of the horse.
When our horses are tense their mussles, tendons, ligaments,
and joints are not able to be as fluid in all of their actions
as they need to be. Since we are trying to progress and improve,
we need the horse able to performe to the best of it's ability.
If our horse is not relaxed while trying to accomplish this then
there is no way to truly make the kind of progress we are
looking for. Not only does it make it impossible for us to atain
the desired results, it makes our horse more susseptable to
injury. When the horse is tense their movements become suddon
and abrupt. This can cause them to strain or pull something
quite easily without us ever asking them to do something
difficult, or unusual. Remember, even though they are very large
animals they are in many ways quite fragil. When we take over
the controls and start telling them when to stop or go, how to
move, which way to look and bend, etc. we had better be correct,
or we put them at a disadvantage when it comes to saving
themselves from injury. The more relaxed we can keep them the
easier it is for them to take care of themselves when working.
That relaxation enablems them to remain fluid in their
movements. This is crutial if we want to avoid injuries.
The relaxation keeps the horse mentaly able to understand and
acept what we are wanting them to do. When they are not worried
about self preservation from injury they are better able to
cooperate with us. They must be able to trust us. If every time
we attempt to work them we end up with a nervious, excited,
frustrated horse then something is wrong. If this is often the
case than they will have a very difficult time trusting us. They
are creatures of habit, and have excellent memories. Why should
they trust us to give them a good experience today if the last
time was as unpleasant for them as it would have been for us.
They will trust us when we have earned it, and not before.
If we are doing things correctly, each time we work our horse
should be better than the last time. We are building on the
previous work. Each workout lays the foundation for the next
one. Of course, if we don't have the relaxation to begin with
than it's not very likely that we will have the progress. The
twe go hand in hand. You can't separate them.
Now, what about us as the rider. If we are tense, uptight,
worried, whatever, that transfers directly into our horse. If
you are worried about something and unable to shake it than it
might be better to lunge that day rather than ride. Be realistic
about it. How are you ever going to make progress if you upset
the horse. Now I'm not talking about letting the horse get away
with things, or spoiling, or just taking the easy way out. If
you really feel that you are not doing anything to cause tension
in your horse, get some other opinions. Most of us are not vary
good at self critiquing. None of us has the time or interest in
spinning our wheels for nothing. If you are not making progress,
something is wrong. With the amount of time, money, and effort
it takes to bring along a horse these days, you and your horse
deserve to do it right and make progress. Don't hesitate to get
the help you need. One of the most common things I see over and
over again is a parent who rides and has children who ride. They
are more than willing to do anything to enable their child to
improve but simply are unable to justify spending the money on
themselves. What kind of example are they setting for the child?
One that says it's ok to flounder around making mistake after
mistake going nowhere. Think about it that way for once and you
just might be able to do something about it. Remember they learn
much better from example.
So you see relaxation is a crutial element for both horse and
rider regardless of the chosen diciplin. All of the top trainers
and riders value it because they know from experience how
difficult it is to get maximum cooperation, positive performance
results, and remain injury free without it. This is not a new
concept. It is something that has been an indespencible part of
training horses handed down through the centruies. When so many
who have gone before us place so much emphesis on this
particular aspect of training, why would any of us feel that it
isn't that important. We all need relaxation in both horse and
rider for hunter/jumper, dressage, barrel racer, roper, etc. It
is the foundation that enables us to build everything else.
Without a solid and stable foundation nothing can stand the test
of time. Build on a firm correct foundation and your work will
enable you to show steady growth and progress with a much
happier and relaxed horse. You have permission to copy and reuse
this article provided there are no changes made to the article
and credit is given to the author and the link to his website
remains in place. Please notify him by email if you are going to
use this article. You may contact Bill Dunigan through his
website: http://www.BarrelRacingClinic.com