Easy Navigation in the Woods or on the Water with the Garmin
eTrex GPS Handheld
I am an expert navigator with a map & compass but neither is as
effective or as easy as the eTrex.
I highly recommend the Gramin eTrex as a basic navigational
aide. It's also a great starter for learning about GPS systems.
It does everything it's meant to and does it very well.
Garmin's claims of one handed usage are for real, it is easy to
navigate the interface with the solid buttons on the unit."
The Garmin eTrex GPS has one of the longest battery lives on the
market, another major influence to purchase, and because it is
only powered by two AA batteries, the maintenance costs are
minimal. I highly recommend the Garmin eTrex GPS to users of any
skill looking for a quick, reliable and inexpensive GPS fix.
Nothing fancy about this unit -- other than the remarkably easy
to use interface. Its not possible to do better in this price
The Garmin eTrex GPS works well (superbly well) for the sea
kayaker. It's waterproof. You can pre-plot a destination if you
know the coordinates. You simply utilize the "go to" feature and
the eTrex points the way.
Like most modern hand-held units, the eTrex generates its own
map of your movements as a visual tracklog or 'breadcrumb
trail'. For retracing your steps ('Trackback' mode) you will see
all the detail you will ever need.