Choose PSP over iPod?

We all love to have fun. Let's enter the world of fun. These days when you go to the store there is a huge variety of portable devices that have similar functions. However they do differ in design, colour, weight and functions to some extent. I chose the 2 devices that are very similar in functions PSP and iPod. For those of you who do not know PSP stands for play station portable. For both of them you can listen to music, look at pictures and watch video. Well for iPod the videos need to be musical clips, whereas PSP supports all the movies such as the "Ring". The one big difference is PSP supports games and is able to accept special disks. PSP has built in speakers that allow you not to use headphones, but for iPod you have to go and get standing speakers. PSP is larger and heavier that iPod , but it does have a larger screen and game controller. Though i must admit it is pretty slim and fits in most inside jacket pockets. PSPs like iPods come with different cases to protect surfaces. Now lets talk about the iPod, well there is a whole family of them shuffle the smallest one, iPod nano and that just iPod. Let's concentrate on the latest version since it has a video function. It is very slim and fits about any where from suitcase to a shirt pocket. They come with leather or rubber cases. The iPod has a very delicate surfaces and required to be in a case 24/7. The iPod has a remote in a shape of a bagel that can be used with one thumb to stop, pause,play, go to menu and even change volume. You will be able to experience music videos, listen to a variety of music that you can download and than upload to your iPod. You can always create play list on the go and enjoy looking at pictures of your friends while traveling to your destination. Let me track back to PSP the game experience is unforgettable. The minute you get on to the subway or train and turn on your PSP you enter a world of action and fun. The headphones allow you to experience the sound for every action. Like they say in physics for every action there is a reaction. Do not take me wrong i am not trying to persuade you for either PSP or iPod. I mean it very much depends if you love games and watching movie or just music and looking at pictures. I personally love the game experience, because it kills time during the travel, i would personally go for the more functional one. Ok now i am going to leave you to decide which device fits your personality. Visit our Websites for more info - or You also may be interested in our other projects -