Arnold Knows Something

I have worked for Stephen Arnold and I can tell you that he knows something about what he says. If he says Google is working on a computing platform, my guess is that Google is working on a computing platform. And, though I hadn't heard it until now, if he says they are working on a processor to go with their OS, then they are at that, as well. I have e-mailed Stephen asking if he'd care to comment at this time. If I get any tidbits, I'll gladly send them on via the blogosphere. ... And, before I finished typing this blog, as if on a cloud, from my keyboard to his ears and back. Here NOW are Stephen's comments, with his blessings: "When anyone buys an Appliance, that Appliance contains an OS. The Mini is vanilla Linux. The GB-1001, GB-5005, GB-8008 contain less vanilla Linux and more GOS. When Version 5 of the Appliance ships, the GB-5005 and GB-8008 will support more advanced GOS features. I have heard that the GB-5005 and GB-8008 will "recognize" a new Appliance plugged into the licensee's network. Version 5 will support clustering. So... a Google OS. Well, it is here. With each upgrade to the Appliances, the devices become more capable in supporting other Applications. If Google introduces a Google "Office" to compete with Microsoft Office, that application could run on a Google Appliance. Will you buy a GOS at CompUSA? Nope. Will there be more applications that blur the line between the Google service and the GOS? Absolutely. Steve" - Stephen E. Arnold. Check out for Arnold's awesome book on Google. Check for more Googlicious reading. And, enjoy! Thanks, Steve.