Colors: Mixed and Matched!

Making one or two colors look like many colors. The spot color design can be as exciting as the process design. Though sometimes, it takes an extra effort to really make your designs stand out in a crowd. Here are the ten low cost design ideas that you will surely like. Check this out! 1.Try to allow colors to overprint to create a third shade When a certain color prints over the other, a third color is created. If you have a good know-how of how colors work well and have a fine rapport with your printer will definitely help you to achieve the results that you want! 2.Consider the paper type and color to be a third color There are different kinds of papers that can be so interesting to choose from so it is up to you to make your own choice that will match toy our personality. Be careful in choosing so that you will not any regrets. 3.However, even solid papers have different colors than the traditional white, off-white or cream. 4. Explore and experiment with duotones Well, a duotone is a photograph that is printed in two colors and you can just subtle effects from sepia tones to have a slick poster look. 5.Employ a selection of tints of your two colors then you can see many colors from it. You can try 10% of blue looks quite different from 80% blue so it will depend according to your preference. Always take note that small text can hardly be read on screen so, do it well and with ease. 6. Reverse text out of tinted boxes White can be your third color and keep in mind that reverses are hard to read, so use it only when badly needed. 7.You can use laser foil as well. Several manufacturers see sheet of foil that you can use in your laser printer for best results. Another is that you can even able to make up a master copy on an inkjet printer, just use a foil with a copier. Just be careful in applying the foil and running the printer for it maybe time consuming. 8.Try using rubber stamping. For instance in scrap booking, there is different rubber stamps out there. You can just choose and be creative! 9.Make use of scissors with unusual edges. Those die cuts are really expensive. The poor man