Brainstorming a Good Vacation Spot
So you want to go on vacation - but how do you decide where?
This is often one of the biggest problems, and can lead to
family infighting. Everybody wants to go someplace else - but
you need a way to choose.
First, you should decide whether you want to do a "repeat" or
not. This will just sort of depend on your personalities - some
people like to go to the same place. They enjoyed it, they
thought it was fun, and they'd like it to be a "second home" of
sorts. Others are interested in finding something new - the
point of a vacation for them is to get away from their routines,
not start up a new one. Make a family decision and stick with it
- everyone should be able to find at least a few places they can
enjoy that are either old or new. Second, determine how much
money you've got to spend. This will be your limiting factor -
you want to go within your budget, and even if someone really
wants to go somewhere else, they're going to have to make do
with what you've got. Third, let everyone list three places that
are their top choices. Talk them over once they are out there -
don't let someone get fixed on one place as the only place they
want to go, because they'll be disappointed if it's not chosen.
Try to find one where everyone can have something fun to do -
figure out the interests of everyone in the family, and what
they'd like to do on a vacation. Then see which of the places on
your family list have the various recreational activities. If
you can come to a consensus, then great - everyone will be at
least somewhat happy. If not, think about agreeing to go one
place this year and another the next.