intro to the steps of returning to the garden of eden. that perfect place that is self
Return to the Garden of Eden
Everyone has their own idea of what the Garden of Eden was or would be like if only they could see it today. No matter our beliefs, thoughts or ideas about religion we all have some sort of image of what perfection is. And while these thoughts and ideas will be as varied and unique as each of us, the phrase "Garden of Eden" can trigger these thoughts and ideas within us no matter how vague and undefinable they may be.
Return to The Garden of Eden is a series of articles that subscribes to the thought that "self" in our orginal form is this perfection. That Creator in his infinate wisdom did actually create us in his own image. And in doing so gave us each our own personal Garden of Eden in which we could dwell. Where everything is perfect and when we live in the state that we were created (as was his intent) are the image of perfection.
Yet somehow we forgot. Somehow we lost sight of this garden of self. We lost sight of just how unique and special we as individuals are. We became human doings instead of human beings. We seek so badly to find peace, yet we run from it as we run from self. We look to outside things to fill up inside needs and we get hurt. For as we look to another to make us whole we become dependent upon their acceptance of us. We seek to find the place where we belong instead of embrasing our individual spirit. Many of us spend a lifetime searching for the right person instead of striving to become that.
What went wrong? When did we get so lost? And does it really matter? In Return to the Garden of Eden we no longer search for rights and wrongs. We no longer try to remember the source of our dysfunctions in order to find the person to blame. Life and our participation in it is no longer a blame game. Its about healing. Its about returning to self. That special and unique spirit you were orginally. In order to Return to the Garden of Eden often times we need to un-learn a lifetime of unhealthy habits and thinking. We need to re-plow our garden that has become infested with dysfunctional thinking and actions. Expose the roots of all these hurts, pains and fears to the sunlight so they may be seen for what they are and then removed as one would who was preparing a vegtable garden for planting would remove the rocks and weeds. Unhealthy actions are like weeds in the garden. They grow wild and fast choking out all orginal thoughts, ideas and any healthy concepts we may have of self.
The first article in this series is "Where to Plant" will address the most powerful gift that Creator has given us. The one gift that is above all others. As special and unique individual spirits we all have our own gifts from creator. These individual special, unique gifts are ours alone to use and share with others on this journey we call life. It is in the Garden of Eden that we find these gifts and the ability to use them. However, there is one gift that was above even those. One gift that was so awesome that it was given to all. No matter your spiritual beliefs, your religious beliefs or lack of them. Each has recieved the greatest gift of all and we use it daily in every single thing we do. Knowingly or not. And it is in the misuse and abuse of this gift that we strayed from our own personal Garden of Eden and it is in the coming to understand its power as a gift from Creator and the proper use of it that we will return.
In "Where to Plant" we will address the gift "Power of Choice".
About the Author
sevenreader7 is your average spiritwalker. He finds in sharing his adventures on this journey we call life others become willing to share theirs. And it is in this sharing the magic of healing can happen.