7 Weeks To A Happier Life

Life is usually what we make it. Wait a minute -- did I say "make it"? I know, I know, the conventional theory is that "life happens" -- um, yeah, I cleaned that up a bit.

And while there are things that none of us can control -- weather, economy, construction crews, other people -- there are many things that you are in charge of. These are the things that help you lead a happier life. Put one into place in the SPECIFICS of your life, and at the end of 7 weeks you'll have a happier, easier, better life than ever before.

1. Choose Consciously: Make an effort to decide that YOU choose how to spend your time, money, energy, and spirit. As long as you accept the consequences, and make the choice with your eyes open, you'll feel more in control. Consciously choosing your TV time, or surfing time, is a lot different than just realizing you spent 4 hours clicking channels. Ask yourself, "I have from 7 pm until bedtime. How do I want to spend that time?"

2. Set Priorities. If the annoyances of life are living your life for you, you're never going to win the foot- race of life. You'll simply run out of time, devoting it to things that you chose in the moment, instead of what you really wanted the most. Don't put what you want right now above what you really want in the long run. Ask yourself, "Self, I have raised my standard to not buy anything else on credit. But I really want this outfit for my meeting next week. What's more important to me?"

3. Nurture It: Protect It: What you focus on in your life will flourish If you focus on problems, and lack, and hatred, and guilt, and self doubt, that's what you'll find growing in your garden of life. Instead plant seeds of change, conviction, courage, and choice. No, it's not just about thinking positive thoughts -- but it's a heck of a good place to start!

4. Be Consistent. Anything that you do consistently, day after day, week after week, adds up. Good results or bad results are the product of repeating the same behavior over and over. If you consistently save, you'll have money in the bank; if you consistently over-spend, you'll be in debt. Choose what you want, and take one small step, consistently day after day, and see what happens.

5. Stop Reading, Start Doing: We live in an amazing world of information. Most people have access to more choices and information than they've ever had. Even our children are faced with decisions based on their broader ability to receive information. But. information without action is useless. Stop looking for a Quick Fix in the next book. Put the information you already have to work in your life. Ask yourself, "What can I do today to start to build up a reserve (of cash, of time, of food, of friends) that will help me live without fear?"

6. Stop Analyzing, Start Living. A lot of psycho- babble teaches us that we need to know the "why" about our behavior before we can address it. And the "why" can sometimes help correct a problem, or give you a reason for your action.. But most of what we all do on a daily basis is not the product of some deep dark psychological reason. It's habit. Change your habits, and you'll change your life. Change your attitude and you'll change your life. Change your environment and you'll change your life. Ask yourself, "What habit is the biggest obstacle to achieving my goals?"

7. Ask For What You Want. It's time to stop expecting other people to read your mind. Think about how frustrating it is for you when someone expects you to know what they are thinking. It's just a set up for failure. Be willing to ask concisely, pleasantly, and honestly for what you want and need in your life. Ask yourself, "Do I expect people in my life to 'justknow' what I need and want? Am I able to do that for other people on a 99% correct basis? No! So I will respect others by telling them what I need, and asking them to tell me as well."

Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach, believes that "Life Can Be Easy". She can help you create goals, overcome procrastination, organize your time, learn to love the real you. Kathy is author of the Ebook, "7 Secrets to a Great Life", is a well known writer on the web, has an Ezine, and several Coaching Programs available. Visit www.reallifecoach.com, email mailto:Kathy@reallifecoach.com, or call 480.998.5843 TODAY!