Tips To Make Your First Cruise An Unforgettable Experience
For some a cruise is a trip of a lifetime. No matter your port
of call you are in for an amazing experience. This article is to
help you get more enjoyment from your cruise by making sure that
you have taken care of some do's and don'ts before your cruise
Getting Started
As with any trip you take you'll want to make sure that your
home is secured. Leave your lights on a timer that will go on
and off at a pre-determined time, or better yet have someone
visit your home to check things on a daily basis and they can
change the lights that are left on. Make sure that if you don't
have someone to collect your mail and your newspapers on a daily
basis that you contact your post office and have it held. Mail
and newspapers accumulating is a sure sign that you're not home.
Have the addresses of everyone you'll need to send post cards to
on pre printed labels. It makes things much easier for you, you
won't forget anybody, and you won't have to worry about carrying
your address book.
Financial Considerations
Take traveler's checks. They are replaceable if they are lost
and are accepted almost anywhere. Make sure that you write down
all the serial numbers of your checks, and keep them in a
different place than the checks themselves. Also, keep track of
used checks. It helps to make replacement easier if you have
this information.
Only take small bills, usually one's and five's. You'll need
these for tips for porters and stewards at the airport and on
the dock.
Check your invoice carefully the day before you leave. Have the
cruise line correct any errors. This will help you get through
the check out line sooner at the end of your cruise.
Traveling with Children
Bring a stroller for your child, or check to see if the cruise
ship will supply one. The last thing you need on your cruise is
a tired child that you have to carry from deck to deck.
Bring snacks for kids such as cheese and crackers and granola
bars. These are fairly healthy snacks for children, and you'll
have them when you need them. Also, you won't have to pay the
high price asked for at port.