Web Directory Submission Analysis and Guide
Why Submit To Web Directories
Many people are paying alot of money to submit their urls to web
directories mainly because of 3 reasons: a) To get permanent 1
way link. b) To get a good Google PR page linking to your site.
c) To get traffic / leads from directories.
Coincidently, the first 2 factors are part of the mathematics
that determine how well your site will rank in Google Search
Engine. Because of that, the "Web Directory Industry" exploded
and you see tonnes of new web directories appearing eveyday.
Even Yahoo and Microsoft have their own web directories.
The Problem
When everyone starts doing that, the World Wide Web becomes a
place full of directories and links with no real content. So,
our big brother Google decided to flex its muscle by treating
directory websites as "Link Farms" and banned them. If you
stumble across any old directory websites with PR of 0, you know
that these websites are the victims of Google slaughter. The
implication is that your one way link in their website will not
help your google ranking at all. Many webmasters who depended on
their directory site for income cursed and sweared.
The contradicting part is that Google actually uses data from
dmoz.org which is another web directory! I do not believe that
Google can ban all the web directories around but I think they
can come up with valid excuses to ban any sites they do not
like. This is like being able to sentence someone to death with
any reasons that you can come up with...scary?
Are Web Directories Dead
Many people do not think so. I do think that Google will
eventually make Web Directories useless in providing one way
links and PR unless these directories can show that they are
different. Google has already changed their ranking algorithm
such that PR becomes devalued. One way links have to pass
through strict filter to really make any impact. So, to rely on
factor a) and b) to boost Google ranking is no longer valid (See
on top). If you want to rely on directories to get hits would be
even harder. Statistics show that directories do not provide
leads many other webmasters. Unless you are doing some sort of
advertisements in the directory site, it is unlikely that anyone
will notice your url especially when you are with hundreds of
MSN and Yahoo Search Engines
Unlike Google, most of the traditional SEO linking and directory
submission tactics still works for MSN and Yahoo search engines
(You will notice that your msn ranking will climb up much faster
than your google ranking). However I believe that in the near
future, MSN and Yahoo will try achieve Google-like ranking
algorithm. It is possible that they might choose not to follow
Invest in Web Directories or Not?
Submitting urls to good web directories is a quick way to get
strong 1 way links and can help your site be spidered quickly.
Dmoz especially, can make significant impact to your google
ranking. I am not really concern about other directories but to
be included in famous directory like business.com or botw.org
gives my site recognition and prestige. In short, I would not
want to spend too much time and money in submitting to web
What Directories To Submit
1) If you decide to submit to directories, you will definitely
want to start with dmoz.org. I would recommend you to just go
for a deep category with very few sites but with an editor
available. You do not need to worry about the page rank of the
category because the chances of you getting into a high Page
Rank category is slim and not worth waiting. Just submit and
heck care. Personally, I do not believe that DMOZ will survive
for long because it is maintained by volunteers and that the
data could be subjected to manipulation. To me, the main reason
why it is still surviving is because Google is using their data.
2) The next directory to submit is MSN small business directory.
If you want value for money, this is the one. Though the
categories are cluttered, you can get your urls into a few
categories. They also give you a personal page where you can
promote your company.
3) The next one you want to try is botw. The submission fee is
$40 per site but because they have been around for quite a
while, it is unlikely that google will kill them. Many
directories with high PR might have their PR dropped to 0
overnight and you would be heart broken if you submitted your
site to their directories. I wrote an article on how to submit
to BOTW: http://www.sitecritic.net/articleDetail.php?id=76
4) You may submit to other web directories if you want but
generally, I would not recommend spending more that $200 for web
directory submissions. If you think you are rich, pay $300 and
go for Yahoo Directory.
There will still be future for web directories but directories
that do not provide extra services other than just listing URLs
will die off slowly. Web directory submission is not the best
way to get your ranking up in Google and will not provide you
with impressive leads. However, submitting your site to a few
famous directories will built up your reputation and web