Factors affecting color accuracy
Color is one of the most difficult parts of a design to show
accurately to a customer. The reason behind this is because
color perception is affected by many factors. Many people and
printers are aware of this fact that is why they know how to
closely monitor the factors to help get more accurate colors.
What are these factors?
Human Perception. The way a person sees color can vary,
depending on the structure of a person's eyes. This is
particularly seen in the color blue. Color blindness is another
factor. It can be very slight or quite severe.
Colors, when placed side by side, can make an impact on each
other. This is better seen in reflection or visual illusion. Put
into two colors alongside each other and you will notice that
one or the other is taking in the color beside it.
Computer and Printing Technology. The average monitor has the
tendency to show varying colors depending on how the computer is
set up.
Inkjet and laser home printers also have effects on colors.
Although they are of great convenience, they do not have the
color range that professional printing machines do.
Web color and Printed color. Do not be surprised if the color
appearing from your website is not the same when it is already
in the printed materials. This is because of the color palette
that websites use in their graphics.
There are now web-safe colors. Simply means that colors will
look the same regardless of a viewer's monitor type, provided
that the brightness and contrast settings are set in the same
There are millions of printable colors compared to only 216
web-safe colors. So web and print colors should not be treated
the same way.
Professional printing technology. Colors also differ between
printing processes that's why some colors will not exactly match
because of this factor.
Presses and digital printers also vary in color presentation. So
trying to print colors in different machines and at different
times means that they could and would appear different.
It is important to take note of the different factors that
affects how colors appear in the monitor displays and when
printed. If you want to get the exact same colors, strive to
control as much color as you can by adjusting the different
elements needed to get the desired result.
At least try to get as close as possible.
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