Web Page Optimisation
Web Page Optimisation
Web Page Optimisation is a technique of attracting "search
engine visibility" to particular Keywords within that page.
How is this achieved?
Firstly there are guidelines within every search engines rules
that determine what you can and can not do. The golden rule is
don`t stuff the page full of "your" keywords this would be a
fruitless task which is immediately recognised by the Search
Engine Algorithms and will result in your page being either,
dropped completely or even undergo a lengthy spell in the sin
bin (Sandbox in Google).
So how do you optimise a Web Page?
Firstly you need to know which keywords you are targeting for
that page secondly you need to present these keywords in a
presentable and readable copy for your visitors using the
correct hierarchy ie: <title> </title>, <meta
description> <meta keywords> <h1></h1> and
so on.
Then What?
Within these "HTML Tags" there are a number of factors that
determine whether or not they add relevance to the page or
conversely whether these individual tags are "stuffed". Finding
and understanding the correct balance to these tags is a method
that easily compliments good Web Design
The overall Density (dependant on differing search engine
algorithms) is calculated through combining all of the pages
elements together in proportion to the amount of "text" on a
given "Web Page", the more relevant the page the higher within
the Search engines your page will appear.
Website By Design