Basic Website Design Principles
One thing that sometimes escapes web designers is the need for
the end product to be focussed on the customer rather than on
what the web designer can provide.
While new whizzy things are nice they can be at best unnecessary
and at worst so distracting from the purpose of the website that
the true message never gets across.
A balance needs to be met that encourages creativity but retains
the adage that "content is king"
To achieve this balance, here are three areas that I believe are
- Don't do anything silly
- If I were a customer...
You can look at these areas from both a designers' point of view
but also from a client's point of view. If you have contracted a
designer to provide you with a website to sell you and your
products and services, don't get baffled with talk of Flash,
DHTML, Java and the like, make sure it delivers your message
Yes, it really does work... Keep It Simple Stupid is a key idea
to be had throughout a project. The client's message is what
needs to get through. Some industries lend themselves toward
more complicated and visually impressive effects (i.e.
entertainment, music, art), but remember that this is still
promoting the message.
You do not want your home page to become cluttered and bogged
down with too many words; this is the place to convince your
visitors that they want to know more.
Make sure your navigation is simple and makes sense; it is easy
to fall into the trap of having snazzy looking menus and buttons
that don't tell you what they are supposed to do. All this does
is wastes your customer's time finding the information they need.
Don't do anything silly!
While this is more of a pointer to the designer rather than the
person paying for the service, as the client, it is your website
that maybe affected and so you should keep tabs on what is
happening to your website.
There are some very simple things that can slip the net when
creating a site. Hopefully your web designer will have enough
sense to have the site thoroughly checked before it goes live,
but it is amazing what you see out there on the net.
>From spelling mistakes to grammatical, these small errors on the
website promote anything but the professional image you have
paid for.
Look for these things when you are either completing a site or
when your site is due to be delivered to you:
-- Make sure the Title on each page is defined (this is
what appears right at the top of your browser). It is surprising
how many "untitled documents" slip through the cracks. It is
also very important when getting recognised by the Search
-- Keywords and Descriptions are often played down when
it comes to optimising your web pages for Search Engines. The
"META tags" are hidden from normal view, but some search engines
still take them into account when indexing your or simply
displaying your page in their search results.
-- Broken Links - there are two reasons for making sure
your links are working: firstly, nobody likes clicking on a link
and finding it doesn't work and secondly, links are very
important when indexing your page. If you are linking to
external websites, you will need to periodically check them to
make sure that they still work.
Get an assurance from the web designer that they have included
these checks before the site will be released. Even take
responsibility for it yourself and do your own checks.
If I were a Customer
You must always remember that the whole purpose of your website
(especially if you are promoting products or services) is to get
people buying or enquiring from you.
With this is mind; you need to make sure that everything that is
done is done for the benefit of the customer.
You navigation should be simple and intuitive, your written
content should be clear and easily understood, pictures should
enhance the rest of the website and everything should direct
your customer to the point of your website being there: Making a
In summary, a website is a communications medium, and with all
communications you should tailor it to the intended receiver of
the message, your customer.
Make it clear, simple and focussed on your customer and you have
the best chance of making it work.