How to Make Your Own Website For Free

If you like the Internet and surfing through the billions of web pages on it then you might be thinking that you also would like to have your very own web page. Well, fortunately you can create your own web page for free and have it online so the whole world can surf the web and see what your web page is all about. If you want to learn more about building your very own website for free, simply follow the steps below and in a short period of time you will have your very own web page! Step #1 Make a Plan Before you start your web page you need to have a plan. You want to know the focus of your site and what kind of information you will put on your site, as well as how you want to design it. Having a plan and a strong sense of what you want to do will make finding a webhost and actually designing your site a lot easier. Step #2 URL You will need to register a URL if you want to make up your own, but this step will cost you a few dollars. Not much, but it