Double checking specs

Business documents are usually being mailed to and from other offices, whether locally or even abroad. Meeting the required deadlines is a hassle the people preparing these documents have to endure. In their haste, mistakes are most likely to occur. It may be in the content itself or in the presentation. Whatever it may be, only one thing is certain. They have to be corrected before sending. The scenario: the FedEx guy already waiting impatiently while you try all you can to correct errors in the document. With pressure as a booster, you pushed your limit. The outcome: successfully correcting errors in crucial parts of the document. Another is making it worst that than it originally was. Either way, the FedEx person would be too impatient to wait, leaving you with no other alternative for fast delivery. There goes your deadline. With it went your promotion. Here are just some specifications of printed jobs that needed to be double-checked ahead of time. Number of copies. The number of copies equals the content of the printed job. Making sure everything is in order is more valuable time compared to having to look later on when time is not anymore an option. Delivery date and time. Putting into mind the time and date of the delivery to avoid rush and last minute preparations. Situations like this usually end up forgetting something while preparing another. Also saves you the trouble of having to endure to deadly stares and swears of the delivery person. Colors. The colors in prints do not always turn out the same as the colors you see in the monitor. Printing directly, with the thought that what you see is what you are getting can lead to disappointment. Best check prints during and immediately after printing. What may appear as a masterpiece on screen may turn out an abstract or worst. Binding options. Getting a presentable document reflects the kind the people and the company sending it. Some people are meticulous appearance-wise and makes judgment from first impressions. It is always better to make an impression, preferably good, first-hand. People can be saved a lot of time and energy if these things are done in advance. Cramming and time pressure may be sure means of effectiveness to some but not all are capable of doing this. Preparing especially important documents can make or break the company. Small errors can make major disasters. Everything is up to the persons responsible. It would not be an understatement to say that the future of businesses and companies lies in the hands of the people preparing these documents. And the prints. For comments and inquiries about the article visit