Using an Autoresponder or Reply Email Automator - (Which is best for me?)

Autoresponders have made our life so much easier as webmasters and business owners, they reply to emails for us sent to a specific email address to get or give a specific response, like sending clients to a download page, a thankyou for subscribing to our newsletter page or a series of preloaded emails for an eCourse we have developed. If, like me, you have ever tried to save time and setup an autoresponder to answer your clients daily questions, you, no doubt found it clumsy and hard to operate. Remember the multiple email address on your contact page, and then you were only guessing as to the questions that they may ask. Then we setup FAQ pages to try and cover the frequent questions, but we still did not fix all the questions that were being asked. Let alone a prospective client sending a genuine query to the email that they thought was right but alas it was wrong, and the answer they got was just not expected or didn't make sense. Imagine how they felt? Do you think they became a customer? I doubt it. As business or website owners we want an easy to operate system to enable us to answer the same or similar questions over and over to various clients and prospective clients. These queries may cover questions about cost, freight, size, when they can expect a product delivery, or many other similar but different questions all sent to the same email address or form that we put on our website to help with customer service. Now as we only have one email address on our site an autoresponder is out of the question, as they don't vary the answer to suit. Imagine a system to enable you to organise your relpys, so they are easy to find and able to be personalised to suit each client and will save you hours of time, each week. This Reply E-mail Automator is a feature-rich software package that can type the responses to your repetitive, information seeking, E-mail and support questions that you are receiving every single day. The busier your website gets the more E-mail like this you will receive! After looking around the 'net' I found what I was looking for, it's easy to use, cost effective and best of all it saves me time check it out at.... tomator/