The Medical Aspects of Facial Exercise
Chances are almost every family will deal with either a stroke
or other catastrophic muscle debilitating illness, trauma or
injury - usually, this produces an inability to adequately
formulate and articulate words and phrases. Most likely, these
patients will require certain retraining from a speech
pathologist or an orofacial mycologist to strengthen the lips,
tongue and facial muscles.
There are many conditions that can be treated with facial
retraining; thumb suckers, those who experience swallowing
problems, open bite and tongue protrusion can be successfully
treated with orofacial myology therapies, orthodontics and other
occupational modalities
Orofacial therapy is primarily facial exercise that has been
proven to alleviate the horrors of cosmetic surgical failures,
aid orthodontic cases, Bells Palsy, Down Syndrome, and Facial
Muscle Paralysis and so on. Facial exercise provides regained
balanced symmetry to restore the face as it was before; this is
very exciting information because in the past, what was done
with surgery, can usually be accomplished with facial exercise.
One facial exercise client described how allergies had caused
under eye puffiness and swelling; this caused him to look angry
and tired. After just a few days of using certain facial
exercise techniques, he wrote to say his breathing had
dramatically improved and as a bonus, the swelling had decreased
so he looked and felt better.
Facial exercise can also be used cosmetically. Rather than opt
for a surgical procedure for treatment of a sagging face, facial
exercise can provide much needed lifting, toning and
strengthening of the face and neck. Exercise for the face
produces the best possible facial appearance, altering facial
expression in just minutes a day in the privacy of one's own
home. The results can be startling and in fact, obtaining
phenomenal results is very simple as the muscles rejuvenate and
skin becomes revitalized with oxygenation. The stimulated cells
thrive with increased activity that facial exercise provides.
Elective surgery is still risky as complications may arise;
there's usually loss of feeling or sensation for quite some time
after the procedure and sometimes the results may be
disappointing. With exercise the muscles and skin lift, tone and
tighten restoring the face. Most facial exercise users believe
they look years younger than those who have had face lifts. In
fact, facial exercisers look better and better while surgical
recipients are thinking ..." when will I have to do this again?"
The Medical Aspects of Facial Exercise Facial muscle disorders
that compromise appearance and function can be treated to
provide the best possible facial appearance and better
self-esteem for every user. Whether your need for facial
exercise is medical or cosmetic, your face will enjoy the health
benefits of rejuvenating, strength building movements.