How to Feel Attractive, Feminine and Sexy!
When was the last time that you got dressed and instantly felt
like you could stop traffic? Are you frustrated with your upper
statistic, and long to feel shapely and confident, both dressed
and undressed? You are not alone. A recent study stated that 93%
of women in America are disatisfied with their breasts. After
all, breasts are a major attribute that is at the heart of our
femininity, and therefore important to how attractive and sexy
we feel, not only to the opposite sex, but to ourselves.
Every day, thousands of women are changing their lives in a very
positive way and having a Breast Augmentation, Breast Uplift or
even a Breast Reduction.
The reasons that so many women take this step are usually one of
the following:
1. So many are like me - a 40 something mother who has lovingly
raised her children, and given all of herself to it - but rather
too much! Pregnancy and breastfeeding can have a devastating
effect on your breasts.
2. Also, like myself, you may have lost weight, and we all know
that the first place that excess weight either goes to or comes
off from, are your breasts. The result can cause your confidence
to sag!
3. Maybe you have never been well endowed (or are over endowed
if seeking a reduction) and want to do something about it once
and for all.
4. Sadly, many women need reconstructive breast surgery due to
illness (mostly cancer) or genetic malformity.
Whatever the reason, women who do make the decision to go ahead
with surgery, experience a more positive outlook on life after
the operation. Feeling attractive and feminine and sexy is
healthy for people. When you feel that way, that's a great
However, making the decision to have the surgery that can be so
life changing is not an easy one. It took me several months of
researching the subject, mostly on the internet which is full of
Breast Surgery sites, but nearly always sites that are promoting
a particular surgeon, so are usually biased.
It was by talking to so many friends both before and after my
"Boob Job" that I realised what was missing. As women, we need
to talk, talk and talk to each other, and what better time to do
it than when we have a reason that is majorly important to us,
and we need to seek reasurance and advice? Most women are good
at giving reasurance, it is in our makeup. However, how many
women do you know that have had a "Boob Job" that you feel close
and confident enough to ask for the advice you need?
Well, I am a real woman like yourself, and I can tell you that
the affects are truly amazing:
1. A tremendous boost to your confidence and self esteem.
2. The ability to wear clothes you have only admired on others,
who have the shape and the cleavage to show it off. This can now
be you!
3. Admiration from others, and I do not just mean the
(inevitable!) looks from men, but from other women as you will
go up in their estimation for being "brave".
4. You will start to feel SO sexy and feminine and attractive to
the man in your life, which will more than likely sky-rocket
your sex life!
Make no mistake about it, having a Boob Job will send your
confidence off the scale, and will give your life such a boost,
and not just to your bust!