Placenta Previa Questions Answered
What is Placenta Previa?
Placenta previa literally means afterbirth first. It is a
condition in which the placenta - the flapjack-shaped organ that
supplies the fetus with nutrients through the umbilical cord -
implants itself unusually low in the uterus, next to or covering
your cervix.
If the placenta completely covers the cervical opening it is
known as a complete or total placenta previa. If it only
partially covers the opening, it is known as a partial placenta
previa. If it is within two centimeters of the cervix but not
covering it, the condition is known as a marginal placenta
What causes this condition?
Placenta previa happens when an embryo implants itself in the
lower uterus. Then, when the placenta grows, it may partially or
completely cover the cervical opening.
Is placenta previa serious?
Placenta previa discovered early in pregnancy is not yet cause
for alarm. More often than not, the placenta will fix itself,
"migrating" away from the cervix. In actuality, the placenta is
attached to the uterus and does not move. But as the uterus
grows, the placenta may end up farther from your cervix. In
addition, the placenta itself has a general tendency to grow
toward the richer blood supply at the top of the uterus.
In fact, only about 10% of women diagnosed with placenta previa
at mid-pregnancy still have it when their time comes to deliver.
Unfortunately, a total placenta previa is less likely to resolve
itself than a marginal or low-lying placenta.
What if the condition persists?
Even if you have placenta previa later in pregnancy, it may
still move away from the cervical opening. You will need to have
a follow-up ultrasound early in your third trimester to check on
the condition of the placenta. You may need an examination
sooner if you experience any vaginal bleeding.
If your placenta previa persists, you will need to be very
careful. You should have regular ultrasounds and be wary of
vaginal bleeding. Your doctor will tell you to avoid and
strenuous activities and heavy lifting and avoid having sex for
the rest of your pregnancy.
Bleeding from placenta previa can range from spotting to
extremely heavy. This happens when the cervix begins to dilate.
It is usually painless and starts without warning. Depending on
the severity of the bleeding, you may need to deliver your baby
immediately and may also need a blood transfusion.
If you begin bleeding or having contractions, you will have to
be hospitalized. Depending on the amount of bleeding, the health
of you and the baby, and how far along you are in your
pregnancy, the baby may need to be delivered by c-section
If the bleeding stops and everything is ok, you will likely be
sent home. But if the bleeding starts again, you will have to
return to the hospital immediately.
What about the delivery?
If you still have placenta previa when you are ready to deliver,
you will need to have a c-section. Unfortunately having placenta
previa may increase your risk for other complications. For
instance, you may be at risk of heavy bleeding during and after
delivery. Once the baby is delivered the placenta will be
delivered and you will be given medications that will cause your
uterus to contract. This helps to stop the bleeding from the
area of the uterus where the placenta was implanted.
Unfortunately, women who have placenta previa are also more
likely to have placenta accrete, a condition where the placenta
is implanted too deeply and does not separate easily at
delivery. Although placenta accrete only occurs in about one out
of 2,500 births overall, your chances of developing this problem
are one out of ten if you still have placenta previa when the
time comes to deliver. This may cause severe bleeding and a
blood transfusion and hysterectomy may be necessary to stop the
Who's at risk for placenta previa?
For most women, there are no apparent warning signs, but if any
of the following risk factors apply to you, your chances may be
* You have had placenta previa in an earlier pregnancy
* You've had previous c-sections
* You're having a multiple pregnancy
* You've had uterine surgery
* You are a cigarette smoker
* You use cocaine
As always, if you ever notice any bleeding or pains in your
abdomen, call your doctor right away.