Menstrual Calendar
Charting the signs of our menstrual cycle is a good way to keep
in touch with our bodies, our feelings, and our health. It is
also a good way to predict our days of menstruation in advance,
even if menstrual cycles are irregular, and to know the most
fertile times if we are hoping to conceive.
Cervical Mucus: The sign that is easier to observe is the
cervical mucus, since it is noticed in the course of daily
activity. Fertile type mucus is produced by the cervix during
the days when the ova are maturing and preparing for ovulation.
This mucus is not only an indicator of fertility, it is
essential for fertility. Cervical mucus nourishes the sperm,
protects them from the natural acidity of the vagina, and guides
them toward the ovum. Following is a simple way to observe and
chart your fertile type mucus.
Pay attention to how you feel as you go about your daily
activities. Just as you have learned to notice a certain wetness
at menstruation, you will begin to notice a second wet time, but
later in the cycle, and without bleeding. The second wet time is
caused by your fertile type mucus.
Each time you go to the bathroom, wipe with toilet paper both
before and after you use the toilet, noticing: a) the sensation
you feel as you wipe with toilet paper, b) what is on the toilet
paper. Chart what you see and what you feel in the following
way. Or use any charting method that makes sense to you. 1)
Menstruation: mark the days of bleeding in some way, such as
coloring the calendar day red. 2) Nothing: if you don't see or
feel anything outside your vagina, you can leave the calendar
blank on those days. 3) Something: but if you see or feel
something - anything -such as pasty or sticky mucus, or a
feeling of wetness - draw something, such as a raindrop, on
these days. 4) Slippery something: If the pasty or sticky mucus
turns to slippery mucus or a slippery feeling, color the
raindrop dark to indicate the slippery wetness.
After a few slippery wet days, the mucus may disappear or
return to sticky or pasty. When it does, begin to count the days
until menstruation arrives. In a normal fertile cycle, the time
between the last day of slippery mucus or slippery feeling and
the next menstruation is between 11-16 days. You will become
quite accurate about your predictions after you chart for about
three cycles.
The mucus is your most fertile time, since fertile type is
produced during the days leading up to and including ovulation.
But don't try to use this information for birth control unless
you seek out a qualified teacher of fertility awareness or
natural family planning. However, if you are hoping to become
pregnant, charting the mucus and the dry times of the cycle will
allow you to know your most fertile time. It will also allow you
to predict your next menstruation with accuracy, and to begin a
new and sensitive relationship with yourself.
Under the influence of the hormone estrogen, when the fertile
mucus is present, we may feel courageous and loving. Men who
bored us last week may suddenly appear interesting and
attractive. Like Mother Earth in her rainy season, we are full
of potential. We may also be interested in sexual activity.
These emotions and reactions are caused by the hormone estrogen,
which is getting us ready to have a baby, even though we may not
want that for ourselves yet!
After ovulation, under the influence of the hormone
progesterone, we may feel somewhat deflated compared to our wet,
fertile time. Like Mother Earth in her dry time, we may feel
quiet, with less energy. When menstrual bleeding begins, both
estrogen and progesterone are at low levels. We may feel
sensitive, solitary, or inward.
Generally speaking, dark red bleeding for about three days
indicates that hormones are high enough to build a good uterine
lining and nourish a fetus in the event of conception. However,
more than three days of heavy bleeding can be exhausting. Three
to five days of wet, slippery mucus 11-14 days before the next
menstruation is a probable indicator of normal ovulation and a
fertile cycle. Cycles are often 28-30 days from the first day of
bleeding to the first day of the bleeding of the next
menstruation. However, irregular cycles do not indicate
infertility. If the time between the last day of slippery mucus
and the next menstruation is 11-16 days, the cycle is probably
fertile. Even if one cycle is not fertile, the next may well be
fertile. Much depends on the stress we may be feeling. Keeping a
chart allows us to keep all things in perspective, and feel our
own harmony with all the cycles of nature.
Basal Body Temperature: If you are not sure you are ovulating,
you can take your temperature. The body's resting temperature
increases four-tenths of a degree Fahrenheit or two-tenths of a
degree Centigrade under the influence of progesterone at
ovulation. Observing this sign involves taking your temperature
at the same time each morning before rising. (This is not as
hard as it sounds. It takes less than two minutes and you can go
back to sleep if you want.) To observe your temperature rise,
buy a BD brand digital basal thermometer. This brand will give
you a consistent and accurate reading. Other high quality brands
of digital basal thermometers are also probably accurate, but
have not been tested for fertility awareness. Make sure the
battery is good. (You can replace it.) An ordinary clinical
thermometer is not accurate enough for fertility awareness. Nor
is the "ear thermometer" (tympanic thermometer).
Take your temperature every day immediately upon waking, before
7:30 a.m. The body's rhythms (circadian rhythms) fluctuate over
a 24-hour period. Your temperature is lowest in the early
morning and highest in the afternoon. Fluctuations are greater
after 7:30 a.m. If you go to bed before midnight and wake up
before 7:30 a.m., you will get the clearest temperature readings.
If it is not convenient to take your temperature immediately
upon waking, you may take it during light morning activity. For
example, if you need to go to the bathroom, you may take your
temperature while getting up and using the toilet. But be
consistent about the circumstances under which you take your
temperature. If you take it during light morning activity, take
it that way every morning. Don't take it sometimes before
getting up and at other times during light morning activity. If
you have sexual relations, take your temperature before.
Many women find that the digital thermometers require such a
short time to use that it is easy to take their temperature
before getting up. Take your temperature by mouth. Under arm and
ear temperatures are not accurate enough for family planning
purposes. The thermometer will beep softly several times before
beginning to beep slightly louder and repeatedly. Keep the
thermometer under your tongue until the louder, repeated beeps
begin. You can read and chart your temperature as soon as is
convenient after taking it. Your thermometer has a recall button
that allows you to read the last temperature taken. Be sure to
wash your thermometer after each use.
Your Temperature Graph: Put a dot on a graph on the spot
corresponding to each day's temperature. Join the dots of
consecutive days. If you do not take your temperature one day,
do not join the dots across that day. Also write out the
temperature numerically, to guard against errors in graphing.
Interpreting Your Chart: 1) Breathe and relax. Study your chart.
2) Can you find six low temperatures during the fertile mucus
days of your cycle? 3) Draw a horizontal line at the highest of
the six low temperatures. This is your low temperature line. 4)
Draw another horizontal line four-tenths of a degree F. or
two-tenths of a degree C. above your low temperature line. This
is your full thermal shift line. 5) Can you find three high
temperatures after the low temperatures? All of the high
temperatures must be above the low temperature line. At least
the third high temperature must be at or above the full thermal
shift line. 6) This temperature pattern of low and high
temperatures is called a biphasic pattern with a full thermal
shift. A biphasic pattern with a full thermal shift confirms
that you really did ovulate. A smaller, but sustained
temperature rise also probably indicates ovulation.
If you are hoping to become pregnant, please pay close attention
to nutrition. Look for unprocessed foods grown without
chemicals. Exercise in moderation. Get plenty of rest. Avoid
stress. Think happy thoughts. Pray for the child you desire, and
begin sending your child love, now. Heal any hurtful feelings
between you and your mate, and between you both and your
parents. Your mate should avoid hot shower or baths and tight
clothing, both of which lower sperm count.To increase your
chances of conception, use the wet, slippery days for sexual
If you have observed a biphasic pattern with a full thermal
shift, and it is now 18 days since your last slippery, wet day,
and menstruation has not arrived, you may feel confident that
you have conceived.
Congratulations and blessings!