Women and Friendship, is it as good or better than Chocolate?
Women and Friendship, is it as good or better than Chocolate?
I'll start this article by admitting that I am a full-blown
"chocoholic." I love the way eating a piece of chocolate makes
me feel. It's so indulging, satisfying, and to me is the
ultimate reward or excuse to instantly lift my spirits, calm my
nerves, and just make me happy. This lead me to thinking about
how few things in life are as good or better than chocolate.
Now, I would certainly have to rank being a Mom at the top of
the list, but another big contender is Friendship. I think it is
truly disappointing that we as women allow something as
rewarding and bittersweet as friendship, to regularly take a
back seat to our careers, husbands, children and busy demands of
life. When you compare eating a piece of chocolate to spending
time with friends, you will find a lot of commonalities...