It Is Possible to Have Style AND a Savings Account
I used to wonder how my coworkers could afford the latest and
greatest fashions. Despite the fact that we all took home the
same meager salary, they walked in the door every week with a
new outfit. I walked in the door with the same sloppy jeans and
sweater. It took a few years before I realized that their
clothes were actually owned by Visa and MasterCard. This was a
realization I made without ever looking at their credit card
statement. I could see the stress in their eyes. By the time
they paid off that sweater set, sweater sets were out of style.
They were on a Fashion Hamster Wheel.
My coworker Jessica was different. She was always tastefully
dressed, her clothes predating the next fashion trend. Almost
every time I asked her where she got her clothes she told me she
bought them at a thrift store. There was something else about