Seeking Ideal Beauty
Seeking Ideal Beauty
There seems to me to be definite parallels between this era,
and the Elizabethan Age, when it comes to women, and their
desperate struggle to either halt the natural aging of their
appearance, or, to discover a miracle age-reversal method.
During the sixteenth century, well-born women were obsessed with
achieving, and maintaining, 'ideal' beauty, as they perceived
it, to the point of what we would call 'madness'. What was this
ideal they so longed to possess? Youthful unlined alabaster
skin, overly bright eyes, red cheeks and lips, and the fairest
of hair colors. Add to these attributes, a high, arched, pale
eyebrow, and high brow line. To achieve the 'look' of
perfection, these women made use of the period